Half-Orcs Species in The World that Smoke Wrought | World Anvil
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When it was discovered that Humans and Orcs could create viable offspring, the tyrant-mages used this fact to create a sub-caste among the Orcs. Half-Orcs, though still slaves, were used as enforcers and, on rare occasions, house-slaves that would help their taskmasters enforce discipline among the Orcs. This led to tension between the Half-Orcs and Orcs, which suited the aristocracy fine; keep the slaves fighting among themselves, and they won't rise up and fight their real enemies.   When the Orcs rose up during the fall of the tyrant-mages, many Half-Orcs were slaughtered by those they had helped oppress. Unlike their animosity towards the Elves, however, the Orcs' position on their half-kin softened greatly with the passing generations. The ability to have a child of their own volition instead of through Elven breeding programs, and the chance to raise that child in their own ways, made the Orcs stop seeing the Half-Orcs as part of the system that oppressed them.   Today, the people of Wresnet generally treat Half-Orcs similarly to, if not slightly better than, Orcs. Many Half-Orcs still find themselves as outsiders to both society at large and Orc society in general, but many are still able to find their way in the world.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens orcanus

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