The world that is now magic. Terra. Homepage | World Anvil
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The world that is now magic. Terra.

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We often think that fantasy worlds came from fantasy and that they just have... "magic". That humans, elves, dwarves, dragons and everything you can imagine already existed... However, a question arises. How humans were able to evolve into being humans, with all that magic around?   Why the intelligent races appear human-like? They say there is humans, dwarves, elves, demons... but they look human enough as if they had some kind of common ancestor once... Indeed...   What if the truth is... that this world of fantasy... was originated from a world like ours... That after many years, with "magic" appearing on this world, this originated the races, the animals, and even the "gods" who can change everything in this world...?   This world is your typical fantasy RPG world with a magic system similar to those "isekai" with Tolkien races, which appears to be from a videogame. But... there is a reason for it. (Work in progress... this description is not perfect. This world is "isekai" system inspired, but I'm trying to be original, unlike isekai manga I've seen. I hope I can do that. Welcome, and if you find it interesting, I'm glad you've come by.   I do not speak English as my native language. It is hard to explain some things I have on my mind. But its a good practice, I think. I want this to be in the English language since its the language many people speak in the world. But if I find myself unable to explain, i will use a translator. Don't worry, I will indicate if that ever happens.)

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