The Structure of the Planes Physical / Metaphysical Law in The World of Toril | World Anvil
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The Structure of the Planes

"...look within, there you'll see the Elemental Chaos. The six components used to make all things. Faerie magic is potent and violently charged. Faerie magic is neither offensive nor defensive, simply neutrally aggressive. The magic of Toril is familiar to you already, it is neutral in all ways. Powerful yet unforgiving raw magic, or mana, permeates all. The Weave acts as an interface to prevent users from overloading on raw magic. Dark Magic comes from the nameless torrent, it's an indirect magic, it's power is in patience. Each magic has it's own intended purpose and they all posses different properties."
~Christian Romano, The Answerer
Reality is made out of the Elemental Chaos, which represents 6 core concepts necessary for creating the world. The Physical world of Toril can then be categorized into three Independent Planes with Collision Planes in between them. The world of Toril was originally Faerie and the Torrent, but wherever the Torrent and Faerie collided Turmoil was created. To stabilize the world of Aebir-Toril, Ao created a third independent plane which was named the Central Plane of Toril. The Central Plane of Toril has a very neutral magic and was placed in between Faerie and the Torrent to prevent them from destroying each other, an unexpected outcome of this action was that two new collision planes were created.
  A note with this image, I'm using this as a representation of the Elemental chaos. Ignore the section labeled elemental chaos and the section labeled the ethereal. Essentially avatar but add the elements of positive and negative. I'll get to it later but you guys don't need this yet.

Independent Planes

An independent plane is a plane that exists by it's own energy, it it were to be cut off from other planes it would continue to exist. The vast majority of historic events take place in independent planes as they tend to be more reliable than a collision plane, with geography and magic following consistent logic. Travelers may find being in a different independent plane nauseating or off putting and it has been documented that certain magic types have more or less power in other planes.

Faerie article here

Prime Matirial Plane usw.

Collision Planes

Wherever two or more independent planes collide, a collision plane is created. Collision planes are not a proportionate and organized mix of the planes, rather they are 100% of all planes present, this causes collision planes to be unreliable and often unstable. Magic tends to function in new ways and the geography is a mix of all planes present. Travel through a collision plane is the fastest way to travel between independent planes, but it's often advised against due to the nature of Collision Planes. Since a collision plane is the entirety of all planes present, you can find yourself in an environment safe for travel that spontaneously changes to a hostile environment. These changes are based on which independent plane is surfacing.  



Lore Surrounding the Planes


The best guides for planar travel are called Planeswalkers, and they tend to have personalized tricks for plotting safe paths through collision planes. When you ask two planeswalkers to plot a course they will often come up with different answers, for different reasons, and often both wind up being right. Being a planeswalker is, in part about having experience and knowledge of the planes and in part having a special spark. Having the spark allows the planeswalkers to bend the planes to their will, meaning planeswalkers have a distinct advantage with planar travel, even if they aren't aware of it.

The World Between Worlds

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Metaphysical, Arcane
Notable Locations
  • Thay
  • Barrovia

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