Ilesscupo or darkness corruption Condition in The world of Ondar | World Anvil
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Ilesscupo or darkness corruption

There are many kinds of corruptions and can happen every were but they are more common to appear in chaos zones or in The Abyss. The abyss is a demi plane created when a great old one tried to escape the far realm and the far realm then slowly took him back and tried the great old one to hold on to the prime material world. His corrupted magic corrupted the land and made it into a Demi plane.

Transmission & Vectors

The only ways get a mutations is if you are born with it or go through a ritual to make chaos corrupt you.


It comes with different mutations called corruptions.


There are no cure and nothing you can do to slow down the corruption.

Cultural Reception

Now a days the people of the Abyss are more resistant to chaos magic then their ancestors where and therefore the corruption isn’t as bad but some still gets the really bad ones.
Chronic, Acquired

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