The Faceless Gods Myth in The World of fall | World Anvil
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The Faceless Gods

The Faceless Gods also known as (The Faceless) are the gods of creation in the Calythian religion, they have existed long before The Gods of Calythium, in the Calythian belief, The Faceless have created the universe and time, the universe then was cold and empty, the faceless decided to bring life to part of the universe known as Calgaurd where the city of the Calythium and the first gods Calythium were born.


After centuries, The Gods of Calythium asked The Faceless help to bring life to the rest of the universe by building the spirit world and the middle world, stars and planets were born including the earth. According to the Calythian belief The Faceless are not independent from there creatures, The Faceless exist in every creature they have created, in the time that passes, in gods and men, earths, oceans and skies, in the living, in the dead, and in whatever that exists. They also believe in the ultimate perfection of The Faceless so they need no senses to sense there creatures, they are connected to them, so in symbolism they are represented with no eyes, ears, noses nor mouths and with pale dark skin. but they still represent them with bodies and heads.

Cultural Reception

Calythian Religion

All Calythians believe in the Faceless, but less perform any religious ritual to them. Except for the followers of the temple of The Faceless, some followers of this temple only worship The Faceless while they believe in the other gods, but most followers worship other gods with The Faceless. Most followers of the temple are distributed in all states, and the main temple is built in Ellanar, while some other small temples are built in Aristonia, Ferronous and Tamgaurdia.

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