Salnocoth Character in The World of Eularia | World Anvil
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Salnocoth (a.k.a. Lady of Shadows)

Salnocoth, the Lady of Shadows, is a powerful and mysterious Archdevil known for her ability to move unseen and strike from the shadows. She is often depicted as a shadowy, ghostly figure with glowing eyes and sharp claws, and is said to have the ability to control the darkness itself.   Rather than choosing to rule over any particular level of the Hells, Salnocoth uses her shadow-based abilities to move throughout the Hells unimpeded. She is known for her powers of manipulation and stealth, and uses these abilities to make powerful contracts and play a significant role in the politics of the Hells without the burden of ruling. Salnocoth is an enigma to most, and her shadowy form and ability to strike from the shadows only add to her mysterious and intimidating presence. Despite her elusive nature, Salnocoth is likely highly respected and revered by those who value secrecy and the ability to manipulate from the shadows.


The Blade of Nightfall is a weapon said to have been created by Salnocoth herself. It is a shadowy longsword that is said to have the ability to strike from the shadows, as well as granting its wielder the ability to become invisible in the darkness.   The Cloak of Invisibility is a magical cloak that is said to have been gifted to one of Salnocoth's most loyal followers. It grants the wearer the ability to become invisible at will, as well as rendering them immune to detection by divination magic.   The Ring of Shadowbinding is a powerful artifact said to have been crafted by Salnocoth, it is said to grant its wielder the ability to control and manipulate shadows at will, as well as granting them resistance to damage caused by light-based attacks.

Holy Books & Codes

The Codex of Shadows is a text that is considered sacred among followers of Salnocoth, it is said to contain ancient knowledge and secrets on how to control and harness the power of darkness and shadows.   The Art of Deception is another text that is highly regarded among Salnocoth's followers, it is said to contain teachings on how to manipulate and deceive others for personal gain.   The Path of the Shadowed One is a scroll that is considered a holy scripture to the followers of Salnocoth, it is said to contain teachings and guidance on how to master the abilities of secrecy and stealth.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The sigil of Salnocoth, the Lady of Shadows, is a stylized image of a pair of glowing eyes set against a field of darkness. The eyes are surrounded by swirling, shadowy tendrils that seem to writhe and move of their own accord, evoking the mysterious and elusive nature of the Archdevil. The sigil is often depicted in shades of black and gray, with the glowing eyes standing out as the only source of light. The image is often etched or painted onto dark, shadowy materials such as black marble or obsidian, further emphasizing Salnocoth's connection to the realm of shadows. Overall, the sigil of Salnocoth is a powerful and enigmatic symbol that reflects the Archdevil's mysterious and elusive nature.

Tenets of Faith

  • Power and Secrecy. The belief in the power of secrecy and the ability to hide in plain sight is imperative. They view the ability to move unseen and manipulate unseen as the ultimate form of power and strive to master these abilities.
  • Power in Deception. Another tenet is the belief in the power of deception, the followers of Salnocoth believe that the ability to manipulate and deceive others is a necessary tool for survival and advancement.
  • Power in Darkness. Salnocoth's followers believe in the power of darkness and shadow. They view the darkness as a tool for protection and concealment, and view light as a weakness that leaves one vulnerable to attack.


The Festival of Shadows is a holiday celebrated among Salnocoth's followers, it is a time when they gather to honor their deity and reaffirm their dedication to secrecy and stealth.   The Night of Deception is another holiday celebrated by Salnocoth's followers, it is a time when they gather.
Also Known As:
  • Lady of Shadows
  • Shadowed One
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Current Location

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