Riqidies Character in The World of Eularia | World Anvil
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Riqidies (a.k.a. The Hand of Asmodeus)

Riqidies, The Hand of Asmodeus, is the Lawful Evil ruler of the Nine Hells. She served as the general to Asmodeus in his Army of Ascension during the Abhorrent Tumult.   It is believed that Riqidies was the only Archdevil the Lord of Lies trusted to rule in his stead after the Fissure of Divinity was put into place. Since she has ruled with a clawed fist and given an order to the Hells that had never been seen.   It was Riqidies that put the contract systems in place for the lesser devils. It was Riqidies who instilled a hierarchy for devils to aspire to.   While it is believed she is still very much loyal to her creator, some wonder if how pleased he truly is with her leadership.   Riqidies is often depicted as a beautiful woman with shimmering silver hair and piercing red eyes. She is tall and slender, with sharp features that give her an intimidating presence. She is known for her intelligence and cunning, and is a master of strategy and manipulation.   Her followers are often ambitious and power-hungry, seeking to rise through the ranks of the Hells and earn her favor. They believe in the strict adherence to laws and rules, and view those who break them as inferior.   Riqidies is also known for her cruelty and her enjoyment of causing suffering. She is often depicted torturing souls or using them as pawns in her schemes. Despite this, she is also revered for her strength and her ability to maintain order in the Nine Hells.   Those who seek to appease Riqidies often do so by offering her sacrifices or performing acts of evil in her name. It is said that she is able to grant great power and wealth to those who serve her faithfully, but that she is also quick to punish those who betray her or fail in their duties.


The Infernal Contract: This ancient document is said to contain the terms of a pact made between Riqidies and a powerful mortal. The contract is said to grant the mortal great power and wealth, but at the cost of their eternal soul. It is said that the Infernal Contract can only be accessed by those who are truly desperate, and that those who sign it are forever bound to the will of Riqidies.   The Hand of Asmodeus: This powerful magical artifact is said to be a physical manifestation of Riqidies' will. It is a long, black gauntlet with jagged edges and spiked knuckles, and is said to be imbued with dark, infernal magic. Those who possess the Hand of Asmodeus are said to be able to channel Riqidies' power and bend others to their will, but at a great cost to their own morality.   The Tome of Riqidies: This ancient book is said to contain all of the secrets of the Nine Hells, as well as the true nature of Riqidies herself. It is said to be written in a secret code that can only be understood by those who are favored by the archdevil, and that those who seek to uncover its secrets risk drawing the wrath of Riqidies herself. Many believe that the Tome of Riqidies holds the key to unlocking great power, but others fear that it may be too dangerous to be wielded by mortals.

Holy Books & Codes

The Laws of the Pit: This ancient text is said to have been dictated by Riqidies herself, and lays out the strict laws and codes of conduct that must be followed by those who wish to earn her favor and rise through the ranks of the Hells. The book is written in Infernal and is kept in the palace of Riqidies.   The Contracts of Power: This collection of parchment scrolls is said to contain the secrets of the powerful contracts that Riqidies has made with other Archdevils and powerful beings throughout the Hells. These contracts have allowed Riqidies to maintain her power and influence, and followers of Riqidies believe that studying these scrolls can teach them the art of negotiation and manipulation.   The Judgments of Riqidies: This collection of tomes contains the records of the various judgments and punishments that Riqidies has inflicted upon those who have broken her laws or failed in their duties. It is said that the book contains warnings of the dire consequences for those who dare to defy Riqidies, and is intended to serve as a cautionary tale for her followers.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Riqidies' sigil is a stylized silver hand, with long, sharp fingers that resemble claws. The hand is encircled by a ring of flames, symbolizing Riqidies' power and connection to the Hells. In the center of the hand is a black diamond, representing Riqidies' intelligence and cunning. The sigil is often used as a symbol of Riqidies' authority and is displayed by her followers as a sign of their loyalty. It is also used as a warning to those who would dare to cross Riqidies or defy her laws, as it serves as a reminder of her power and her willingness to punish those who defy her.

Tenets of Faith

  • The strict adherence to laws and rules: Followers of Riqidies believe that order and structure are essential for the functioning of the Hells and that disobedience should be punished severely. They view those who break laws or rules as inferior and seek to maintain a rigid hierarchy within the Hells.
  • The pursuit of power and wealth: Riqidies' followers are often ambitious and power-hungry, believing that rising through the ranks of the Hells and earning Riqidies' favor will grant them great power and wealth. They often engage in schemes and manipulations to gain more influence and resources.
  • The use of cruelty and suffering as a means to an end: Riqidies' followers believe that causing pain and suffering can be used as a tool to achieve their goals. They view Riqidies as a powerful and feared leader who is able to maintain order through the use of force and intimidation. They are willing to perform sacrifices or acts of evil in her name to achieve their ambitions, believing that the end justifies the means.


The Annual Contract Renewal: This holiday is celebrated annually by the followers of Riqidies to mark the renewal of their contracts with the Archdevil. During this holiday, followers gather to reaffirm their loyalty to Riqidies and to present her with gifts and offerings in exchange for her continued protection. Many followers see this holiday as a time of renewal and recommitment to their faith.   The Festival of Hierarchy: This holiday is celebrated to honor the hierarchy of the Hells and to reaffirm the importance of the contract system that Riqidies put in place. During the Festival of Hierarchy, followers participate in elaborate rituals and ceremonies to show their respect for the hierarchy and their willingness to serve those above them. This holiday is seen as a time of unity and solidarity among the followers of Riqidies.   The Day of Conquest: This holiday is celebrated to commemorate the conquests of Riqidies and the other Archdevils during the Abhorrent Tumult. On this day, followers of Riqidies gather to offer tribute to the Archdevil and to honor her role in the victory over the Primordials. Many followers see this holiday as a time to reflect on the power and strength of Riqidies and to reaffirm their loyalty to her.
Lawful Evil
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