Linzel Character in The World of Eularia | World Anvil
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Linzel (a.k.a. The Necromancer)

Linzel, The Necromancer, is a powerful and malevolent demon who reigns over the Necropolis, on the 888th level of the Endless Abyss. She is a shadowy and enigmatic figure, with a reputation for great power and cunning. Despite her youth, Linzel is said to appear pale, gaunt, and otherworldly, with large, dark eyes and elongated extremities. Her fingers are said to be like bones, but she wears enchanted black leather gloves that are said to have been a gift from ThannahT the Mirrored Twin.   Linzel is a being of great methodical calculation, always seeking to increase her power and influence. It is believed that she is building an undead army of demons, with the goal of spreading her power throughout the Endless Abyss, the Material Planes, or possibly even the Hells themselves. She is a master of the dark arts, able to raise and control the dead, and to bend them to her will. Those who dare to cross her do so at their own peril, for Linzel is a relentless and unforgiving foe, who will stop at nothing to see her enemies crushed.   Despite her fearsome reputation, Linzel is not without her own vulnerabilities. She is a solitary and reclusive figure, who is said to have few friends or allies. Those who can find a way to appeal to her ambition or curiosity might just find a way to survive in her shadowy domain. But they had better be prepared to pay a steep price for their knowledge, for Linzel is a being who does not give up her secrets lightly.

Divine Domains

  • Necormancy


The Necromancer's Tome - A bound book containing ancient rituals and incantations for raising and controlling the dead. It is said to have been written by Linzel herself, and is highly prized among her followers for its insights into the dark arts.   The Staff of the Necropolis - A twisted, blackened rod that is said to have been crafted by Linzel from the bones of her enemies. It is imbued with dark magic and is said to grant the wielder power over the dead.   The Ring of the Reanimated - A ring said to have been gifted by Linzel to her most devoted followers. It is said to grant the ability to reanimate corpses and bend them to the wearer's will. It is also said to be a powerful protection charm against death and undeath magic.

Holy Books & Codes

The Tome of Her Damned: This ancient and forbidden text is said to contain the secrets of the necromantic arts, passed down through generations of Linzel's followers. It is said to be bound in human skin, and contains spells and incantations that allow the reader to raise and control the dead.   The Book of Her Shadows: A collection of dark and sinister rituals, this grimoire is said to contain the secrets of Linzel's most powerful spells and curses. It is said to be able to summon spirits and demons, and to be able to bend them to the will of the reader.   The Annals of the Dead: A vast and ancient chronicle, the Annals of the Dead is said to contain the history of the Necropolis and its inhabitants. It is said to be a vast and detailed record of the lives and deaths of all who have ever dwelled in Linzel's realm, and to contain powerful spells and incantations that allow the reader to commune with the dead.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Linzel's sigil is said to be a depiction of a human skull with a crown of bones around it. The skull is surrounded by swirling, ghostly tendrils that seem to twist and writhe, as if seeking to escape the confines of the sigil itself. The overall effect is one of power and darkness, as if the very essence of death and decay has been captured and contained within the symbol. Some say that the sigil itself holds great power, and that those who possess it can tap into the Necromancer's own dark magic. Others believe that the sigil is cursed, and that those who dare to use it will suffer the same fate as the spirits and undead that Linzel controls. Regardless of the truth, one thing is certain: Linzel's sigil is a powerful and ominous symbol, one that is feared and respected by all who know of it.

Tenets of Faith

  • The pursuit of power and knowledge through necromancy is a sacred duty. Followers of Linzel believe that by mastering the art of death and the manipulation of the undead, they can gain immense power and control over their enemies.
  • The ultimate goal of the faith is to achieve immortality and to join the ranks of Linzel's undead army. Through the study of necromancy and service to the Demon Lord, followers believe they can achieve eternal life and continue to wield their power and knowledge in the service of Linzel.
  • The Necromancer is the true ruler of the dead, and all undead creatures belong to her. Followers believe that Linzel has a divine right to command all undead, and it is considered sacrilege for any other being to attempt to control the dead without her permission. The faithful are obligated to obey and worship Linzel as their rightful leader and ruler in the afterlife.


The Festival of the Undead: This is an annual event celebrated by the followers of Linzel, The Necromancer. On this day, they gather in the Necropolis to honor their Demon Lord by raising the dead and using them in a grand parade to show their devotion. At the end of the parade, the undead are sent back to their graves, but not before they have been blessed by Linzel to ensure they will obey her commands even after death.   The Summoning of the Ancestors: This is a ritual that is performed by the followers of Linzel on special occasions, such as during a war or to seek guidance from their ancestors. They believe that by summoning their ancestors from the afterlife, they can gain their wisdom and guidance. This ritual is led by a powerful necromancer who channels the spirits of the ancestors and communicates with them through a medium.   The Feast of Bones: This is a macabre festival celebrated by the followers of Linzel where they feast on the bones of their enemies as a symbol of their victory over them. It is believed that by consuming the bones of their enemies, they can gain strength and power, and they keep the bones of their enemies as trophies to show their prowess and devotion to their Demon Lord. This event is usually held in the Necropolis and is attended by both mortals and demons.
Divine Classification
Demon Lord
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Ruled Locations

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