Dugroz Settlement in The World of Eularia | World Anvil
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Dugroz is a village located on the tropical plains, where the vegetation is lush. Dugroz grew around a well-traveled crossroads, and is comprised mostly of humans. They are a patriarchal primitivist kleptocratic absolute monarchy that worships many deities, none having a clear majority at all.


Children: 40
Adults: 166
Elderly: 15
Primary Race: Orc


Walls: None
Natural Defenses: Narrow River


Primary Road Type: Dirt Roads
Irrigation: Basin Irrigation


Primary Building Style: Stone
Other Building Styles: Marble
Avg. Aesthetics: Normal
Avg. Cleanliness: Orderly
Avg. Upkeep: neglected
Districts: Coastal


Major Landform: Depressional
Landscape: Breaklands
Elevation: 390 feet above sea level
Distance from the Marine Coast: 282.66 miles
Water Features: Is near a Narrow River and a Lake.

General Info

Type: Village
Age: 7 years
Total Population: 221
Residential Buildings: 89
Districts: 1
Population Density: low (Avg 2.5 people per residence)
Land Area: 1.53 miles2
Farmland: 1.24 miles2
Settlement Proper: 0 miles2
Attitude: Cautious and Curious
Recent Events
Calamity: Flooding
Location under

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