Barqian Republic Organization in The World of Empires and Revolution | World Anvil
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Barqian Republic

Statehood has always eluded the Barqa people, time and again they have found themselves directly or indirectly ruled over by foreign powers, but now that the Barqa people have a state to call their own, they will desperately cling to their sovereignty, no matter the cost or necessary measure.


Grand Duchy of Barq

The Modern Barqa State can trace itself to a singular predecessor, the Grand Duchy of Barq, which was established in the year 789, with the King of the Nuzun also serving as the Grand Duke of Barq and by extension the Sovreign of the Barqa People, this declaration would, despite the hopes of the Nuzun monarchy to reorganize and stabilize the region, simply enflame the Barqa against the monarchy and Nuzun rule over the region.
  This growing discontent would culminate in the 791 Cambhear Uprising, or Cambhear Revolution, in which Barqa revolutionaries, under the leadership of the now famous philosopher and revolutionary Jacob Murtagh, would proclaim the formation of the Republic of Grand Barqia in April, in honor of the mountains that the city of Cambhear sat between, and the grand range that cross over the Barqa lands in the Nuzun.
  This Short-lived Republic would declare total suffrage for all people within its borders, seize all land held by the monarchy or Nuzun aristocracy, with radical land redistribution instituted, along with officially ending Nuzun anti-theist policies and officially declaring the near extinct Church of the Holy One the State Religion of the Republic. This has left a heavy legacy for Barqan revolutionaries, with core tenants of Barqa nationalism being religious revival of their faith, radical land redistribution, equality between men and women, and calls for a new national rebirth of the Barqa.
  This Revolt would last for just over 4 months, before the Nuzun Royal Army would finally breach the ancient walls of the fortress city in early September, and institute a reign of terror, hunting down and killing the revolutionaries and anyone suspected of aiding the revolt. Such Purges, undertaken by the command of then Field Marshall and future King James the IV, would not restore peace and order to the Grand Duchy, but simply further enflame the Barqa people, with Jacob Murtagh becoming a martyr for the struggle of a free Barqa, and even Barqa people living in Lexan staging a small-scale uprising against the Kingdom of Lexan out of anger for rumors that Lexan aided Nuzun in suppressing the Revolt.
  Following the Revolt and Nuzun Reign of Terror, known as the Hundred Days of Tears by the Barqa people, the Grand Duchy would be put under indefinite marshal law, first under Prince-Marshall James, then after his ascension to the Throne in 800, the appointment of Governor-General Albrecht Davidson to the post of ruling the Grand Duchy, who would rule over the Grand Duchy in the name of the King until 816, when the Republican Revolution would begin under his watch

The Republican Revolution

On April 18th, 816, on the 25th anniversary of the Cambhear Revolution, the 8th Royal Rifles Regiment, under the command of Nuzun Colonel Henry Brown, along with a rebel force known as the 18th Free Barqa Battalion, under the command of Séan O'Boyle, would march upon the Nuzun Sanctuary city in Northern Barq known as Clamore, where, upon the steps to the cities council chambers, both men would announce their intent march upon the capital of Hathford to depose King James the IV, and bring about an end to the Monarchy.
  Upon learning of the revolt, King James ordered the Third Army, under the command of War Hero and Thet General Prokhor Antonov, to march on Clamore and suppress the revolt, at the same time he ordered Governor-General Davidson to rally the remaining monarchist forces in Barq and march on Clamore from the south, seeking to suppress the revolt quickly.
  However, once the Governor General Rallied the forces of the 18th Royal Calvary and 1st Royal Mountaineers in Cambhear, and marched out of the city, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Free Barqa Battalions, under the command of O'Boyle, seized control of the city in a sudden revolt, forcing the Governor-General to put the city to siege, before he was encircled by the 4th and 5th Free Barqa Battalions, who had been waiting in the mountains for the revolt, crushing his army and killing the Governor-General.
  Following the battle of Cambhear, the Barqa revolutionaries would gain word Thet General Antonov would switch sides, joining his forces with the rebels in Clamore, wheeling his army around and beginning the long march on the capital. At the Same Time, the 6th through 17th Free Barqa Battalions, representing the remaining military strength of the Free Barqa Army would rise up across the Grand Duchy, expelling the Nuzun nobility, destroying monarchist symbols and crushing local garrisons, being the first rebel region to fully expel the Nuzun.
  Following three months of war, the city of Hathford would fall to Rebel forces, and the revolutionary leaders would gather in Hathford to decide the fate of Nuzun. It would be eventually decided that the Kingdom would, once the revolution had ended, reorganized into a Federal Republic, with equal rights and suffrage for all people, no matter ethnic origin.
  On April 18th, 817, one year after the start of the revolution, the Nuzun Republic would be officially declared, and the Barqa Free State an official territory within the new Republic.

Barqa Free State

The Barqa Free State would be one of 4 Federally recognized Free States, granted greater autonomy then traditional Federal States due to the extensive minority presence, with these regions allowed more say in their affairs and local governance over that of normal Federal States.
  The Free State would elect as its first ever Governor and unsurprisingly, O'Boyle, leader of the Free Barqa Army, and the leading figure of the Barqa during the revolution, would become the first Governor of the Free State with his newly formed Barqain Union Party, which advocated Staunch Republicanism, a focus on Agrarian Land Reform, equal rights between men and women, a restoration of the old Barqa Religion, along with being rather skeptic of the greater republic and inherently militant, with many party leaders being revolutionaries from the Free Barqa Army.
  During the next 22 years, O'Boyle would lead the Free State as Governor, the BUP would administer the Free State in lines with a growing State Ideology known as Murtaism, in line with the political writings and thought outlined by Famous Barqa Philosopher and Revolutionary Jacob Murtagh. Such Policies saw rapid expansion of the Free States Agricultural market under radical land reform, the establishment of the Free States Assembly in line with the model of the Grand Republic of Barqia, the Reorganization of the Free Barqa Army into the Federal Barqian Militia, along with the restoration of the Old Barqa Church and the integration of religious symbols into the public sphere.
  Following the Nationalist Coup in 839, orchestrated by the National Republican Reconstruction Party, to unseat the Ruling National Republican Party following the heavily contested results of the 839 elections, the Nuzun Republic would collapse into civil war between the Nationalists, various Republican Factions and independence forces of the Federal States, Barqia among them.
  Following a year of heavy and chaotic fighting, the Free State, along with the Hornwich Free State, would sign the treaty of Cambhear with Nuzun under the NRRP, establishing the recognition of both nation's independence from the Republic, and establishing the Barqia Mountain range as the official border for both Barqia and Horwich with Nunzun, which meant roughly 50% of the Free State was left in the control of Nuzun.

Barqian Republic

On April 18th, 841, following the peace with Nuzun, and upon the 50th anniversary of the Cambhear Revolution, Governor O'Boyle would formally declare the Free State Abolished, and announced the Formation of a free and independent Barqain Republic, with himself serving as interim president until the election scheduled for the next year, which O'Boyle would run as the BUP's Presidential candidate.
  During the Interim Period, a new Barqian Constitution would be written by the BUP, and the structure of the state would be reorganized in full accordance with the principles of what had become known as Nua-Murtaism. Nua-Murtaism, or New Murtaism, called for a National Republic that, while maintaining the many principles of Murtaism, would be noted as increasingly authoritarian in nature, with Interim-President O'Boyle proscribing a New Constitution for the Republic that many of his critics would call a dangerous slide towards authoritarian rule.
  In 842, to the surprise of nobody, the BUP has secured an electoral supermajority, with O'Boyle being named the First President of the Barqian Republic, though he is referenced as the Second President of Barqa, with Jacob Murtagh refereed as the first President in all relevant documents and the official national curriculum.

Barqian Government

The Barqian Republic is officially a Presidential Republic, with the President expected to, in accordance with the Constitution, "Conduct himself in a manner respectful to both the Constitution, and Dignity of the Barqian State, as their highest representative and first defender against all threats, foreign and domestic."

Barqian President

The President of Barqia is recognized as the highest representative authority in the state, invested with both the powers and responsibility to defend the Nation against threats within and without the borders of Barqia. With this in mind, the President serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the Barqian Armed Forces, itself the successor of the Federal Barqian Militia, the President also serves as the Chief Executor of the Law within the state and a key figure in foreign diplomacy.
  The Barqian President also wields a wide range of powers within the state itself, appointing justices to the supreme court without legislative oversight, permitted to appoint and fire his cabinet ministers without approval, along with holding a nearly absolute veto over all legislation, with the exception of a 2/3rds majority overturning the presidential veto.
  The Barqian President does have certain limits to their authority of course, they can implement limited Executive Orders, but Orders with the full strength of the Law on par with that of the assembly can only be issued with an enabling act, with normal presidential Executive Orders overridable by the legislature.
  Along with a limit on Presidental Executive Orders, the President is accountable before the National Congress of Barqia and Supreme Court, with a 2/3rds majority needed in the National Congress to impeach a president of their legal immunity, then a simple majority in the Supreme Court after conducting a trial to determine the guilt of a President.

National Congress of Barqia

The National Congress of Barqia is the Unicameral Legislative body of the Barqian Republic, consisting of 200 Representatives, who are enshrined with the power to legislate the affairs of Barqia, with the Congress having the power to overturn a presidential Veto with a 2/3rds majority, and capable of impeaching a president of their legal immunity with a 2/3rds majority.
  The 200 Representatives of the National Congress are appointed via proportional representation in accordance with the results of presidential elections within Barqia, the ruling Barqian Union Party, which won 78% of the vote in the 842 elections currently holds 156 seats within the Congress, the Second Largest Party is the Commonwealth Party, with 20 seats, Followed by the Barqia National Rejuvenation Party with 10 seats, the United Farmers Party of Barqia with 8 seats and the Holist Democratic Party with 6 seats.
  The National Congress also holds a Voting Threshold, mandating a party get above a threshold of 3% to take seats in the congress, failure for a party to get above the limit will prevent it from sending any representatives to the congress, however the votes remain as a part of the total to not in any major wat shift the share of the vote and by extension the makeup of the Congress.

Supreme Court of Barqia

The Supreme Court of Barqia is the supreme judicial court in all of Barqia, holding the power to strike down any law passed by the National Congress, or Executive Order issued by the President it finds to be incompatible with the Constitution of the Republic. The Court also holds the Legal authority to, if the President has been impeached of his legal immunity by the National Congress, hold a trial for the president and determine with a simple majority the guilt of the President of Barqia.
  The Supreme Court of Barqia constitutes 7 sitting justices, each appointed by the President, though the Chief Justice of the Court is elected from within the ranks of the Court, though it is expected the longest serving judge is appointed, due to judicial experience and the expectation of a sound head to keep order and unity within the court.

Barqian Political Parties

The Politics of the Barqian Republic, much like the very apparatus of the Republic, is dominated by the political ideas and concepts that came to form the Barqa Free State and Republic, that of Murtaism, and the ideas that have been birthed from the Murtaism grip on the political consensus of the state.
  The Barqian Union Party, the single oldest and most influential party in the Republic, has dominated the political institutions of Barqa since the formation of the party and even after nearly 30 years of operating, it remains at the forefront of Barqian politics. It venerates the ideology of Nua-Murtaism, or New Murtaism, the unofficial state ideology of the Barqian Republic, which advocates an evoloved form of Murtaism, which venerates a Republican Form of Government, a focus on the Agrarian Farmer, establishes the Barqa Religion as central to their society, with religious symbols seen in both public and private life. However, the BUP and by extension Nua-Murtaism has evolved to become increasingly authoritarian, seeking to shift the Barqian government from that of a parliamentary democracy to a presidential republic, much to the opposition of other parties in the Congress. The BUP is often described as a big tent party, ranging from Center Right to Right Wing.
  The Main opposition party to the BUP, the Commonwealth Party is incredibly young in Barqa, only forming in the run up to the 842 elections, having been formed by a mix of Nuzun Republican Exiles and Barqa exiles from Northern Barqa, in the lands taken by Nuzun during the Spring of Nations. The Commonwealth Party is a proponent of Republican-Progressivism, staunchly advocating a republic government, though split on the issue of a parliamentary democracy vs presidential republic, a secularization of society, a staunch compromise from the atheistic Nuzun and deeply religious Barqa, along with support for left wing ideals of workers unionization and the demilitarization of Barqa society. The CP is considered a moderate Left-Wing Party.
  The Third largest party in the Congress, the Barqia National Rejuvenation Party is a splinter from the BUP, forming in reaction to what they consider the humiliation of surrendering half of Barqa to the Nuzun nationalists during the Spring of Nations. The BNRP Rejects what it calls infectious Nuzun ideas that have permeated in Barqa Society, decrying concepts such as Atheism and urbanization as colonist concepts of the Nuzun Race, with the BNRP instead supporting concepts such as Ruralization and taking a more escalated approach to the religious revival movement within the BUP, wishing to enshrine the Barqa Faith as not simply the state religion, but actively persecute atheists and those who do not conform to the ideals of their faith. The BNRP is a Far-Right Party, and often seen as the beating heart of National Republicansim.
  The United Farmers Party of Barqia, often shortened to the Farmers Party, is the second oldest party in Barqia, formed as the original opposition party to the BUP during the early days of the Free State, it has fallen out of favor to the general public, primarily due to the opposition to the deceleration of independence, with the UFP wishing to instead formulate a New Nuzun Republic in opposition to the Nationalists in Hathford. The UFP has always described itself as a Muratist party and is increasingly seen by itself and supporters as the true bastion of Muratist ideals, advocating a parliamentary form of democracy, the reinvigoration of the Barqa faith, a focus on rural and agrarian living over that of city life, and a focus on a concept of international republicanism, with the UFP calling for a second revolution to be brought against Nuzun.
  The Smallest Party with Seats in the National Congress, the Hollist Democratic Party, is often described as the party of God and Church, the Hollists take their name from the name given to the followers of the Church of the Holy One, immediately conjoining the party to the identity and concepts of the Hollist Faith. The Party is very much Socially Conservative, adopting stances on almost every aspect of social life in opposition to most other parties in the Congress, with the sole exception to that of women's rights, Afterall Hollists teach the first Prophet was Róisín, a poor Shepard woman from high in the mountains, along with the fact the party is led by the only female party leader in Barqia. The Party is notably supportive of a very broad and expansive social welfare state, citing the 3rd aspect of Hollist belief, that of charity by all for all, and is often seen as the bastion of the concept of Conservative Republicanism
  Outside the National Congress exists several fringe parties, due to either a lack of public support for their policies, or official government policy suppressing or even outright banning these parties from operation. The Communist Party of Barqia lacks any form of major support, with a lack of a solid urban base of workers and the rural farmer vote being held by other more organized and well-known parties. The Nuzun Unity Party is a banned political party in Barqia, with its clandestine connections to the TNRP in Nuzun and anti-independence policies turning into outright violence against the state. The Green Party is notable for being out right hostile to not simply urbanization and industrialization, but also widespread farming, with the intellectuals of the party wishing for Barqia to conjoin itself with nature and reject modern society.

Barqia Armed Forces

The Armed Forces of Barqia are split into two military Branches, the Grand Barqian Army and the Grand Barqian Airforce, both services having come into being as the modern successors to the Federal Barqia Militia and Federal Barqia Reserve Airforce respectively.

Grand Barqian Army

The Grand Barqian Army is the modern successor of the Federal Barqia Militia, the official military force of the old Free State when Barqa was a part of the Nuzun Republic, having formed in the immediate aftermath of the Spring of Nations, the Grand Barqian Army is organized around a military system reminiscent of the Free Barqa Army from the Republican Revolution.
  While the President serves as the Official Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, he instead appoints a Chief of General Staff to head military operations, who in turn appoints a Chief of Army and Chief of the Airforce. The Chief of the Army is legally the chief commander of the Grand Barqian Army, and the direct commander of the Army forces of Cambhear. The Republic is organized for military purposes into a series of military authorities centered around a single city, each authority has a regional commander who commands the local military forces and militias of their overseen territory.
  The Army itself, while constituting a core of professional soldiers, is primarily made up of conscripts and reservists who are called up in times of war, this system has left Barqia with a large manpower pool for any potential war, but has often led to issues of poor morale and lacking professionalism in the army of the Republic

Grand Barqian Airforce

The Grand Barqian Airforce is the modern successor of the Federal Barqia Reserve Airforce, which was a force of supplementary pilots and aircraft under the control of Barqia that joined the Free State in revolt during the brief Nuzun Civil War and is more in line with the Nuzun Airforce in terms of organization.
  The Chief of the Airforce, appointed by the Chief of the General Staff, is in charge of the structural organization and doctrine of the Barqian Airforce, with the only Military Airbase in the country, located in the capital of Cambhear, serving as the HQ of the Airforce and the center of its military operations, this has created a very focused form of aerial doctrine for Barqa and its military.
  The Airforce is an incredibly small force, only consisting of 80 Spitray Fighters, 23 Falcon Bombers and 10 Raven Bombers, the Falcon designed for large scale strategic bombing and the Raven designed for small scale tactical bombing. Due to the nature of the Barqian Airforce, there is an extreme focus on a professional force, with only the top Barqa pilots sent into the air, hoping that professionalism and extensive flying hours will make up for a simple lack of planes.

Barqian Republic

Capital Cambhear   Largest City Cambhear   Currency Barqian Giotán   Official Language Barqian   Demonym Barqa
Government Presidential Republic   Head of State and Government President Séan O'Boyle   Legislature The National Congress   Judiciary The Supreme Court
Geopolitical, Republic

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