Session 8: Miracle's Don't Happen Report in The World of Darkness | World Anvil
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Session 8: Miracle's Don't Happen

General Summary

The session started with it being Christmas day. the group all opened their gifts and celebrated before Victoria mentioned that they were going to church. Everyone prepared and Charolette went and dressed ciel who was acting strange. with that the group was headed to the church. Kurt tried to drive but, he failed miserably.   the group made it to the church where no one had gathered minus one of the staff. It was a Priest that Victoria had been seeing for some time. The group broke in where the whole place was cleared out. they hunted for signs of life but there was nothing. Kurt talked to the birds and they told him that there were some strange lights from the building in the night. the group talked to the priest who mentioned that they had hired some workers to renovate the church and add in plumbing. They decided to pester the crew and find information.   they went to the office of the construction workers who were not present. they then broke in and then hunted for some files which did not exist. the next step was to head up to the home of the owner. they went along to the Carver residence where on the outside there were tons of spirits trying to get in. They were unable to do so due to a salt circle placed around the residence.   They of course broke in and then knocked on the door trying to see the lord of the house. The butler mentioned that the lord wasn't in but, the lady of the house was in. The group agreed to see her. There they met Joan who was an angel. The group pestered her about eh construction but, she wrote them off. Kurt decided to ruin the salt cirlcle and in doing so the spirits poured into the house. Joan mentioned she was feeling sick and went upstairs and had the butler see them out. Orusala persuaded him to let her look at Joan while kurt disguised himself as a fly.   Orusala asked joan about being an angel and she did say that she was the angel of Temperance. She was a psychopompt tasked with helping the souls of the deceased move on. She mentioned that she was working around on the old waterway but, her workers hadn't been down there in some time. Orusala then left.   Kurt heard voices from beyond a strange door and so he listened in and eventually went inside. there he saw two other people (angels) talking how one of them was going to be getting Barachiel.   Kurt and Orusala reported back to the group who then went to the library to do their research. They found that Barachiel was an angel and the archangel who resided over exorcisms and was a banisher of demons. The group then went to investigate the sewers. Here they found rats and other creatures as well as eventually they found a nosferatu named Lorenzo Bello as well as a group of other members of his group called the lancea et sanctum. He talked with them about his religion as well as how his workers got cleared away by the angels to do work on the church. he said they were going to try to awaken samuel.   the group then went to the church where they found the angels gathering as well as Richard. Richard told them not to awaken his memories but the angels as well as a visit from mammon decided that they would indeed awaken his memories. It was also during this conversation it was reviled that the serial killer around town was indeed Benjamin Harker and that Arthur was still alive. they went forward with the ritual and it caused Samuel to awaken as a demon. Richard tried to stay and calm the kid down but after he murdered Barachiel he tried to get the others out of the church. The awakening caused a chain reaction causing Issac to fall. He and Lenora had a heart to heart where Lenora said goodbye to him and she got lanced by one of his many hands. Ava seperated the two (by force) and this caused Lenora to lose her arms as well as the one arm that was stuck in her abdomen.   the group made it back to the house where they immediately got to work healing Lenora. Eventually they were able to use the metal from the arm of Issacs to get leonroa back into shape. The group took a breather and to calm the tension traded gifts. Chione arrived at the mansion and helped around the house even saying she would remove Ivan's ring but, that she heard Victoria would be under investigation since someone found Ivan's ashes. The group could not however find Ciel. Samuel arrived at the house battered and bloodied asking for a place to stay and Victoria agreed. he went over what happened and how Ciel and issac talked to William and were most likely with him.

Rewards Granted

christmas gifts!!!!!! one dot after the session

Character(s) interacted with

Clarence Todd (the preacher), Joan Carver and her butler, Lorenzo Bello, the angels of boston, Mammon

Created Content

  • Clarence Todd
  • Joan Carver
  • Justin Marco
  • Hany Morefield
  • Horatio Valez
  • Barachiel
  • Lorenzo Bello
  • Mammon
  • Chionie Zahar
  • Patience
Boston in the Dark
Claudia McDohl
Lenora Hazelton
Report Date
09 Mar 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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