The Story of Berteram the Slaughterer Prose in The World | World Anvil
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The Story of Berteram the Slaughterer

Archbisshop Berteram, who we know as Berteram the Slaughterer, was born in 595. He was such a weak minded, loving child, he always wanted to know more and despised warfare. He was weak minded enough to think about the peasants, and while other noble children beat up beggars he cared about them. A child like him should not have become a ruler of a country, it's a mystery why God would want such a weak, feminine child to roam the eart, to curse his Creation we call the world simply with his existence, but yet king Wulfrun II, overall a fine king, crowned him Archbisshop of such a rich archdiocese as Cascantum.  Maybe he pitied him.   When Berteram became archbisshop the people around him were clever enough to assign him the best advisors of the whole world, from the wisest Moltevinan man to the most energetic Caldean merchant, all were his advisors. And with the help of his advisors Berteram reformed the taxes in his country, and provided himself with the greatest income of the world. In mere years Berteram became one of the richest men in the world, but instead of using it on warcraft he spent it on the people. He built schools for the peasants and gave valuable knowledge to the beggars, he let them read Bible texts but they, and Berteram too, greatly misunderstood the word of God. God divided the people in three positions: the clerics, the nobles and the peasants.  He however said God created all men equal and should be treated equally, forgetting every position's duty and position. But then he did the worst thing of it all, he reformed his sacred Archdiocese into a democracy losely based on the Romasian Republic. The Romasian Republic was a failed state, and even the ancient Romasians aknowledged this, the Republic was replaced by the much more durable Romasian Empire, on which all kingdoms are based.   When his stepbrother king Wulfrun II of Mirans refused to let Berteram reform his archdiocese into a republic Berteram brought forth his army, and fearing a civil war Wulfrun II agreed. Cascantum became a republic. Of course, it didn't take long until the twisted and rotten souls of the peasantry demanded more power, which Berteram refused, and their wicked men pillaged the city of Cascantum, trying to force him to agree. But Berteram kept refusing, but yet he had not yet seen his fault and he didn't abolish the system. A few months later a group of a hundred peasants weaponed with daggers tried to force Berteram into giving them more power, and when he refused once more they tried to stab him. Their leader's dagger was about to cut Berteram's throat when king Wulfrun, who Berteram had threatened earlier, appeared and beheaded the leader of the peasants. The other peasants fled away in horror, unlike the nobles they had never seen how brutal war was, and that's why they should not have acted like nobles. Position is position.   Berteram apologised to Wulfrun, and Wulfrun forgave him. They then, together with their combined armies, slaughtered the rebelling peasants, who did not know their place. It wasn't even a battle since the peasants did not know how to make war, only the nobles they fought did.       And so Berteram became known as Berteram the Slaughterer.


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