Siima Tribe Organization in The World | World Anvil
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Siima Tribe


The tribe, despite being a kingdom, was amazingly democratic and devoted to its subjects. Nevertheless, the king stood at the top, with the local sub-tribal chiefs below him and loyal to no one but him. Below the sub-tribal chiefs stood the village heads.   The village heads, regional chiefs and even the king could be forced to abdicate their thrones if the people wanted them to. Altough it didn't happen too often two kings were forced to abidicate by their own people in the country's 200 years.


In the 1250s a local warlord called Siima Pim defeated all the other warlords in the area and subjected them to his empire. Unlike other warlords Siima Pim had a vision, he introduced a form of writing, made laws, estabilshed a semi-professional army and created a feudal system, one of the first of its kind in Asturgazia.   In the years following he and his successors conquered a vast empire, stretching from

Mspak Filé

1350s - 1598

Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
Kingdom of the Siima
Successor Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Notable Members
Related Species

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