Rodrick's Public Record Prose in The World | World Anvil
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Rodrick's Public Record

The Public Record was a book Rodrick VII of Ilandia, the most powerful monarch of his time, sent to every souvereign in the world. The book was filled with propaganda, depicting Rodrick as a noble, albeit somewhat arrogant, and overall virtuous ruler.   At least 3200 copies of the book were made, making it the most popular non-religious book at its time, the Bible of course was the most popular. Altough it clearly was propaganda many people, not just nobles but merchants and bankers too, believed everyting it said. It made Rodrick VII the most popular monarch of the world.   The book was one hundred and thirty pages long, so I am not going to write everything down, that would be too exhausting. These are some of the most famous quotes in the book:  
I judge an empire's culture by its fleet, and therefore I deem the Shi Qu equal to the savages of Rodrickland.
After defeating the Shi Qu in the Pitra War  
The Kingdom of Alsuc has a severely declining trout population. When I'm ready with them they will have a severely declining population.
Right before his declaration of War against Alsuc (7th Alsuc War)  
I would say I'm pious, yes. I would die for the Pope, yes. I would laugh at jokes, yes.
In a statement to the Catholic Church which condemned his Court Poet, William Maborough  
Ilandia rules the seas, Alsuc rules the land, the Pope rules the Religion and the Shi Qu don't control any of those.
At the beginning of the Second Pitra War.

Rodrick VII kind of was a dickhead.


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