Moradin Character in The Wondering Expanse | World Anvil
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The god of the forge and father of the dwarves, Moradin is a god in the Great Primary Pantheon. Moradin poured divine magic into the mountain and the ore brought forth dwarves. These hardened earth men were gifted with Moradin's love of crafting, using their abilities to sculpt strongholds and forge magic items.   In Caelestī: Court of the Primary Pantheon, Moradin forges the great weapons in the universe to defend the planes from elder evils. He alone crafted the weapons of the gods, and often crafts weapons for the greatest of mortal heros. A quiet being, he mostly keeps to himself and to his work, and only stops to meet for a consul gathering or defend Caelestī.   While Moradin is a god, he is also a descendant of earth elementals. As primary god of the forge, Moradin promotes the ideals of hard work, creativity, toughness, perseverance, beauty, and strength.

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