Kastor Stormwanderer VAlu-Navea Character in The Withered Crown | World Anvil
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Kastor Stormwanderer VAlu-Navea

Kastor Valu-Navea was born to two well-known goliaths of their large village: her mother, Leaku Frightcaller Navea stands at six foot seven inches, long raven hair tied into braids and buns, grey skin riddled with battle scars and blue spiral patterns and having cold grey eyes. Her father Lagun Rainfinder Valu was the opposite of Leaku, while towering over many in their village at seven foot six inches, he was very lanky and thin, nevy colored hair kept short, his pale blue skin speckled with dark grey spots, and usually found smiling around a fire playing the lute telling their clans stories. Kastor grew up being rather happy, she would follow her dad around and watch him carefully as he strummed. At the age of four she could play a handful of song on the lute while giggling with her father as Leaku was off hunting or at the forge. Her fondest memories were sitting next to her dad, strumming along with her dad playing the hand drum and mother softly humming and braiding her hair. As time went on Leaku wanted Kastor to follow her footsteps becoming a warrior or barbarian of the tribe. Leaku was known to be brutal on the battlefield and was a great hunter for the tribe, so her daughter was often foretold to be the same.   The Trial of the Goliaths was approaching quickly when Kastor was eight, the trial was a series of three events. The first event was a wrestling competition arranged by age group, Kastor had been taught plenty of ways to gain an advantage from her mother by using brute strength, but her father taught her how to be smarter than the competitors and use their own momentum against them. Using the skills given to her by her parents and a little bit of luck she moved on to the next round. The next event was mountain climbing, who ever got to the top fastest continued through the stages, her age group only had to climb up to a fifteen-foot cliff. Kastor was unable to make it up first though, she had never tried to climb up things like a rocky Icey mountainside before. As she reached the cliff face and most of the others were gone a cloud of fog rolled over the cliff. Many though she had already come down and was back at the village.   A large storm began to whirl around the cliffside, young Kastor was caught in the middle of it, lightning crashing down and thunder clapped loudly. She scuttled down the cliff and walked back to her village chanting a song her father taught her. Her hair flowing and the storm seemed to be following her, walking through the forest she was in awe of the power lightning beckoned. A few other children ran past her, and she smiled at them, soon a small group of children were walking with her holding hands. When she arrived home Leaku noticed her soaking wet, and new navy-blue markings formed across her body. All were symmetrical, bolts come from her temples, large, curved lines ran from her hairline, over her eyes, and down to her jaw and neck, and continued down to her hands. Leaku cheered loudly at the markings causing Lagun to rush from the kitchen, they both smiled and hugged their beloved daughter. These markings were those of a fearsome warrior. Upon hearing about her guiding others through the storm the tribe decided to allow her to continue in the final trial. The final trial was a simple tracking and navigator task. Kastor tracked the large rabbit that she was tasked to and caught it, she refused to kill it but brought it back from the forest to the judges. They accepted her rabbit as a success, and she was given an honored with an ordain dagger, and her middle name; Stormwanderer.
Current Status
planning her wedding and building a shop
Current Residence
Her and Oscar's Apothecary
As a child she had blue yes but as she traveled in the fae wilds she exchanged one eye's color for a manacle of dark vision, so one is completely white
long half navy blue and half silky white
She believes in worshiping our pasts but not a god

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