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The Winter Years

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Mid-war world, loosely based off Germany/France, cold temperature and hostile people. The two sides, the Halverstraes nation- France-based, and Lykermalle Vedera - Germany have been in a war for decades. The war has sucked up almost any and every resource possible, leaving the small towns without much access to food and utilities. The larger cities have transformed into work-factories, constantly making food and weapons and things that are all given to the war effort. This has taken a huge toll on the non-warring people. Most towns and smaller populations are in the middle of a devastating food shortage, as well as wood and metal. They have been run down to the point of death, with the citizens in a near-constant state of starvation. Malnutrition and murder over the most miniscule resources are the most common reasons of death. The Lykermalle Vedera country is a densely forested, hilly region. Winters here are long and cold, with the daylight lasting a mere seven hours in the late winter. Small towns are widely scattered throughout the terrain, connected only by a long, winding road that is used to transport goods throughout the country. This road is traveled by caravans, peddlers, hunters, and soldiers alike.  The Halverstraes nation is flatter and less wild in the north, but dense, warring, and heavily mountainous in the north. There are plenty of mountain tribes and bunkers in the mountains, with the Halverstraes citizens well-adapted to the cold and long winters. The summers are short but hot, and temperatures can be well over 100 degrees (Fahrenheit). The winters can drop to -60 degrees (Fahrenheit). Halverstraes mountains are home to plenty of glaciers and the seas have enormous, jutting rocks, making attack by sea extremely difficult.  The Lykermalle Vedera's military age is eighteen. Military service is not mandatory, but it is highly stigmatized to not join. Not enlisting is seen as a form of cowardice.

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