Gloomwood Federation Organization in The Wheel | World Anvil
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Gloomwood Federation

The Gloomwood Federation is a decentralized alliance of city-states located within the dense, foggy woodlands known as Gloomwood. The terrain is dominated by towering, ancient trees, dense undergrowth, and intermittent swamps filled with unique flora and fauna.  

Geography and Climate

  Gloomwood is a seemingly endless expanse of dark, sprawling forest. The dense tree canopy often blocks out the sunlight, leading to an eternal twilight within the depths of the forest. This contributes to the forest's mystical and eerie ambiance. The climate is predominantly temperate, with moderate rainfall throughout the year that keeps the forest lush and the swamps filled.  

People and Culture

  The people of the Gloomwood Federation are adept at survival in the dense forest. They have built their cities within the trees themselves, leading to a sprawling network of interconnected treetop settlements. These "tree cities" are marvels of architectural ingenuity, perfectly integrated into the forest ecosystem with minimal impact on the environment.   Gloomwoodians are expert hunters, gatherers, and herbalists, owing to the rich biodiversity of their surroundings. They are skilled in the use of natural poisons and medicines derived from forest plants and have a deep understanding of the forest's fauna, which they both revere and rely upon for sustenance.   Culturally, Gloomwoodians are highly democratic, with each city-state in the Federation having a representative in the council that governs the alliance. They share a belief in the sacredness of the Gloomwood, worshipping a pantheon of nature deities that are said to reside within the oldest trees.   Their music, art, and storytelling reflect their deep connection with the forest and its myriad creatures. Carved wooden sculptures, intricate bark paintings, and haunting songs and tales passed down through generations form the backbone of their rich cultural heritage.  

Interactions with Other Civilizations

  While generally isolationist, the Gloomwood Federation maintains diplomatic and trade relationships with other civilizations. They are especially known for their exports of rare herbs, unique timber, and crafted goods. However, they are also fiercely protective of their forest and its resources, often clashing with civilizations like the Obsidian Empire, who seek to exploit the forest's resources. Despite these challenges, the Gloomwood Federation remains a resilient alliance, firmly rooted in the ancient forest they call home.
Geopolitical, Country

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