The Void Geographic Location in The Western Hemisphere [Wasteland] | World Anvil
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The Void


An endless sea of black tar with the night sky above. There is no moon on this plane and the stars are strange and random, almost ever shifting in a random menagerie.


  There are creatures known colloquially as Voi, and are the only friendly organism in the Void. It is unknown what their origins are but they act as a sort of Will-o-the-wisp, leading those unfortunate enough to get into the Void and survive to nearby Rifts that lead out of the Void. If one were to touch a Voi it would feel akin to touching cold tv static and your hand would feel like it is asleep.   Those who unfortunately find their way into the Void tend to sink beneath the inky liquid plane in which one would stand. It's viscous and slightly sticks to a person, yet feels frigid and slimy. If one were to sink deep beneath the Void's pool, they would quickly find themselves unable to speak or think clearly. Their skin becomes grey and sickly with black cracks forming in their skin as their life energy is sucked from them. Their eyes become blackened all around and if one were to emerge they would cough up the inky tar and have it leave from their wounds and orifices. All Husks were once people.   People who trade a piece of themselves to survive the Void and float. They are cursed with eternal life but can be struck down like any other human being. As long as they survive; they will not die. They can walk along the Void's surface and some can even open rifts for themselves, rather than having to wait for a random one to open. The oldest known Voidwalker is over 800 years old.

Localized Phenomena

The only way into the Void is to be sucked in via a Rift. A Rift is a tear into the Void in between realms and can be extremely volatile. During the event known as the Flash, thousands of Rifts opened after a large flash and sucked millions of people into the Void, only for them to become Husks. Voidwalkers tend to use Rifts to travel far distances in a short time.


Legend has it that old Alchemists, Wizards or Magic users would use the Void and it's gifts to pull off amazing feats. But those are just as real as the legend of King Arthur.    Nothing more than exaggerated truths, right?
Alternative Name(s)
The Inbetween, The Emptiness, Dark Realm, Balance
Owning Organization
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