The Mercs-hall Building / Landmark in The West March | World Anvil
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The Mercs-hall

Immersive Prose
As you drift from one cobbled street to the next you begin to develop a feel for the city. The bodies of its inhabitants flow through its streets like the blood in your veins. Pulsing to and fro. One homogenous mixture. But, all blood eventually makes its way to the heart. You feel the crowds of Stonewatch silently pull you towards an unknown destination. Curiosity takes over and you indulge the stirring masses. Left. Right. Left. Right. The blood of the city lofts you through the labyrinth and deposits you at the foot of a wooden mountain. This must be the place of rumor you have only heard whispers of. A heaven for thrill seekers, risk takers, and adventurers alike! The Mighty Mercs-hall! Streams of armor, robes, and leathers pass each other out the front door. Some faces are young and hopeful, and others are grizzled and indifferent. A colorful tapestry of skin can be seen as all races of the freefolk are represented. From within you hear the echoes of laughter and discussion. This place has a gravity about it. It pulls on you -- beckoning you to enter. A wild grin creeps along your face as you submit to the call. This is the beginning of your story. Here you shall forge a legend!
  The Mercs-hall takes inspiration from medieval Scandinavian architecture (The Viking Age). This predominately wooden structure consists of a communal hall surrounded by nine stave church inspired complexes. The largest complex serves as the Erathian Concord's council chambers. The rest serve as headquarters for the various factions within the concord.
Great hall
Parent Location

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