The Ice Box Building / Landmark in The West March | World Anvil
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The Ice Box

It is not expected of Fresh Meat and Newcomers (level 1-2 PCs) to manage and cover the costs of life expenses like food and shelter. Instead, they are expected to reside in what the concord calls the Ice Box. The Ice Box is a barebones lodging facility for aspiring adventurers in Elsir’s Vale. There are living quarters, a mess hall, latrine, and training facilities. The living quarters are barrack style, 8 to a room with 4 bunk beds, a communal desk with inkwell, quill, and candles, and a recessed stone hearth. Each resident has a trunk with a simple lock that is 12 sq. ft. (3 ft. X 2 ft. X 2 ft.) for personal belongings.   Concord members who oversee the Ice Box are called Watchers. They are seasoned adventurers whose heyday has passed but still choose to contribute. They pass down their wisdom to the younger generation in hopes that it will keep them alive and keep the adventuring community strong. Watchers forgo the colors of their previous faction and adorn new ones when they take up the watch. The Watchers are led by Head Watcher Marthrom.   To compensate the concord for their stay, residents of the Ice Box are expected to perform labor in the form of duties. Latrine maintenance, dish washing, food serving, mopping, dusting, and sweeping are among the list of possible duties. It is understood that duties are what residents do while not out on missions, training, or enjoying what little free time they have.   Training is provided to residents to get them ready for the wilderness. For each level attained while being trained (levels 2 and 3), characters gain a feat of their choice from the following list:  
  • Actor
  • Athlete
  • Dungeon Delver
  • Healer
  • Heavily Armored
  • Lightly Armored
  • Moderately Armored
  • Observant
  • Survivalist
  • Skulker
  • Tenacious
  • Weapons Training
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