The Hustled Hoof Building / Landmark in The West March | World Anvil
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The Hustled Hoof

The Hustled Hoof is a well kept stables in the Rut known for breeding a variety of creature types. From fearless steeds, to vigorous riding mounts, to magnificent flying creatures, the Hustled Hoof has you covered. The Hustled Hoof also provides stabling for a modest fee. This fee covers food, shelter, and grooming, and may vary from creature to creature biased on their needs and diet. The Hustled Hoof's stabling is considered a comfortable lifestyle for the creature.   The Hustled Hoof's Stable Master is Jessy Garentel. A toned but short human woman with olive skin. She pulls her sleek black hair back into a ponytail, highlighting her soft facial features and almond shaped eyes. Jessy can always be seen with a smile and takes joy in her work.   Jessy employs several stable lackeys to do the busy work while she sells and rears the merchandise. In addition, Jessy contracts a man by the name of Gustav to deal with exotic creatures.
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