The Scarlet Forest Geographic Location in The Well of Light | World Anvil
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The Scarlet Forest

A massive forest of trees with crimson leaves. Not many know the reason behind this occurrence, but there are many theories. Most common folk believe it was a place of a Great War, and that the blood spilt causes the trees to become red. Another theory suggests that at the forest's center is some planar crossing, causing the surrounding forest to become warped. Whatever the cause, Scarlet Forest is a mysterious and enchanting place. It is believed that the ruins of once great cities and towns lie scattered throughout the forest, and some say alien creatures still inhabit those places. The Scarlet Forest is located on the border between the Forgelands and the Barony of Therrannor, and serves as both a physical, and political barrier between the two.


The Scarlet Woods is a dense forest, so dense that the sun is almost blocked out entirely. It lies between the Forgelands and the Barony of Therrannor. With the Thundering Peaks to the south, and the Bleaks to the north, it is in a spot where it poses as a threat to the barony, but a defensive barrier to the Dwarven Kingdom. It has been a dividing factor between the growing Kingdom of Urbaa and the stalwart dwarves for years. It gets its name from the trees that grow their. Their bark is a dark purple and abnormally sturdy, while their leaves are a brilliant crimson. The grass that grows there is a dark red, and the dense bushes beneath the trees are a light red, sometimes even pinkish in color. There are many structures that are believed to reside in the forest, including the abodes of the four great legions. Another are the caves of Quasqueton, which is where it is rumored the legendary adventurers Roghan the Fearless and Zelligar the Unknown once planned to make a home, until their disappearance twenty years ago. It is also rumored that the castle of the long lost duke Aizar is somewhere near the Therrannor side of the forest.

Fauna & Flora

Crimsonwood, rosèbush, and bloodgras are the only natural flora here. The native fauna include deathdogs, giant stags, Krenshar, worgs, cockatrices and there are rumors of thunderfury boars living in the denser part of the forest. The dominant predators are Krenshar and deathdogs, who often get into conflicts over territory. They mainly prey upon stags and giant stags. All of the fauna know to steer clear of the small areas where cockatrices nest, as while not as conventionally lethal, the other animals have learned of their magical powers.

Natural Resources

Bloodleaf, Crimsonwood, Spadestone, Clubstone, Heartstone, Diamondstone, Thunderfury Tusk
Alternative Name(s)
The Ghostwood, Roots Of Blood, Prison Of the Aces
Included Organizations

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