Lake Donphan Geographic Location in The Wastes | World Anvil
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Lake Donphan

A lake shaped like a massive dong in the northern wastelands. It's named Lake Donphan, but everyone just calls it Lake Dong. Because it looks like a Dong.


This lake is relatively thin and stretched out, slightly following the curve of the northern coast. It's base to the south widens and deepens out. Because of the lake's thin width, it remains frozen over the majority of the time, only unfreezing for a short time in the summer.   The lake is a fresh water lake, and is fed by snowmelt from the surrounding tundra and the mountains to the south.

Natural Resources

There's a good amount of fish in the lake. However, there's only a short amount of time where the lake is not covered with ice. Thus, if you want to fish there, you either fish really fast, or get used to ice fishing.   The most important natural resources is the fresh water that the lake provides. The Rainwalkers mainly manage this to provide to the southern settlements.
Alternative Name(s)
Lake Dong

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