Everything Store Building / Landmark in The Wastes | World Anvil
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Everything Store

It's the everything store! Anything and everything you might want or need is found here, in the Everything Store!

Purpose / Function

I really don't like having to make every kind of store for every kind of thing. So, for miscellaneous stuff (rope, shovel, ladder, shoes), you find it in the everything store.


How about known locations: Icemaple Citadel Metropolis Noki Naru Trade City


Architecture is very different from the surrounding city/town/village. However, every building is the same for every iteration of the Everything Store. Even if the materials for the store would've had to have been carted from ages away.


A store like this is in almost every main settlement in the world. The owners know each other, but don't ever seem to leave. Each store looks the same. What is going on, I really don't know.
Shop, Generic

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