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The Void


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The void is less of a world than it is a vague, surreal, dream. Barely anything is concrete, and no one understands what the world is, how it works, or what's in it. It's chock full of strange or violent anomalous objects, points in space, and locations (or entire regions forms of chaotic life like demons, eldritch abominations, and even full circle to transhumans; and ghostly specters that sit somewhere between the former two. And from those has come ordered life, and all sorts of plant like, animal like, and sentient species. Among them, are humans. The setting is effectively run on what could be argued as magic, energy, or code. Everything is made of this energy, but on that same token everything is also biological. Things exist as something between the two. All weapons are physical, but also behave like energy weapons. Things are simultaneously organic and mechanical. But despite this, life continues as normal. Surprisingly normal. Painfully normal. People go about their daily lives as if nothing is really going on. Politics and religions have formed to explain away the nature of reality, but none are any closer to figuring it out than the next. Some will worship the many eldritch gods, asking for favors in turn for their faith. Others turn to the more widely followed singular god. Some believe in no gods at all-- believing everything to be equally insignificant. Culture, media, and entertainment are all the same. Political squabbling, movies, books, and the like are a favorite past time of many, especially in the more developed locations. Wars are painfully realistic as well. The age of heroes, mages, and the like is long gone, in its stead industry, manpower, and firepower. Most fighting is done by skirmishing. Rarely anything comes of it, since no one really wants to kill one another. That doesn't stop media outlets from churning out movies with cool close quarters fights, mages, and sociopaths killing droves of men. But in the end it doesn't matter.

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