Vedan Settlement in The Valley | World Anvil
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The raft broke through the treeline, and spreading out before them sparkling in the early morning sunlight, stood a huge body of water. Tiernan let slip a gasp of astonishment, and immediately piloted the clumsy vessel to the edge of the river. Edwin pointed towards the edge of the lake.

"Someone's already build houses here, look."

Indeed, half a dozen feet from the lake stood a handful of shoddily constructed houses, and pulled up on the shore lay several large canoes. Racks of drying fish stood in the sun, and several figures were making their way towards the travelers.

Kiran Blackwell-Biography of Lord Fenton Caius



  • Shipyard Laborers: 17%
  • Skilled Craftsmen: 23%
  • Service Industry: (Inns, Taverns, etc.) 10%
  • Unemployed: 10%
  • Day Laborers: 25%
  • Fishermen: 20%

Wealth Brackets

  • Highest: 15%
  • Upper Middle: 13%
  • Middle: 32%
  • Lower Middle: 20%:
  • Lowest: 25%


The Reed family has held sway over Vedan for the entirety of its existence, with a clear line of succession based on birth order. The Tsesari, as the ruler is known, has the final say in most decisions, but an elected council (whose main job is to advise and observe) can, on a rare unanimous decision, overrule decisions related to taxes and new expansions to the city code.


As houses were built closer and closer to the lakefront, docks and fish drying/preparation areas were pushed further out onto the water. Eventually, as the population grew and the Reeds refused to allow development to co opt the farmland west of the city, houses and places of business were built on piers. These piers would be reinforced with stone as the old wooden supports began to disintegrate, creating a system of canals.


Perched on the edge, and in some places overhanging the great lake, Vedan sits on and old alluvial plain with its back to the rolling hill of the north central portion of the valley.

Natural Resources

From the hills to the north west come goat meat and hides, from the lake comes fish and reeds (for the production of paper,) to the west lies a limited number of farms, and from the river comes enough hydro power to run the mills and blacksmithies that dominate Vedan's industries.
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
The Tsesari

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