Northern Waste Geographic Location in The Valley | World Anvil
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Northern Waste

The Northern Waste is a portion of the Valley that receives the smallest amount of rainfall. While several streams do wind its way through the region, most of the snowmelt is, somehow, redirected east to the North Fork of the River Lifien or west to the Great Lake.


Centuries of little rainfall have left this region of the Valley parched and barren. This lack of vegetation has allowed for the erosion of many hills and other features, exposing the grey stone beneath. This phenomenon in other areas of the world reveals beautifully colored stone and amazing stone structures, the Northern Waste is a fairly uninspiring and bland environment of grey, black, and brown stratas of stone. The further east one travels through the Waste, the hills begin to make way to a flat land with short, rolling hills.


Hardy shrubs and low-lying vegetation capable of surviving the limited rainfall dot the landscape. Rabbits and other small rodents live in the waste, as do many songbirds and birds of prey.   One large species of mammal, the long-necked alpaca, survives on the small shrubs and grasses.

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