Sword of Incalculable Agony Vehicle in The Universe: A Hyperlanes D&D 5e Game | World Anvil
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Sword of Incalculable Agony

Vulnerable 1, Resistant 1, Slow 2, Hyper 1, Quirks 2,
Size: Medium Speed: 4 Damaged Cost: 250,000
AC: 14 Damaged HP: 130 Damaged Gunnery Stations: 2 Damaged
Saves: Constitution HD: 10d12 Passive: 12 Damaged
Proficient Roll: +7 Unskilled/Initiative: +4
Resistant: Resistance to Concussion Damage (Thunder damage)
Vulnerabilities: Technology Reliant (Shields) - Vulnerable to all damage once the shields go down.

Fluctuating: At the beginning of every round, a random station becomes non-functional for the round.
Jumpy: The engines have a tendency to act on their own. On a Piloting roll of natural 15 or higher, the vessel will move forward 3 squares.   Stations:
Station A Piloting
Provided Gambit Break Away Reaction. Range 1 sqrs. When target comes within range, move speed away from target.
Station B Piloting
Provided Gambit Close in Action. Range 10 sqrs. Move up to 10 squares towards target, stopping within 1 square.
Station C Sensors
Provided Gambit Observation Action Range 20 sqrs. Learn the vulnerabilities and resistances of the target
Station D Engineering
Provided Gambit Boost Defenses Action. 1 hr. Your vehicle gains a +2 bonus to AC for duration.
Station E Gunnery
Attack Cannon Range 5/10 2d10 Piercing damage on hit
Provided Gambit Targeting Systems Action. Concentration 5 min. Attacks with gunnery station are made with advantage for the duration
Station F Gunnery
Attack Long-Range Laser Turret, Range 7/14 2d8 fire damage on hit
Provided Gambits Targeted Attack Action. Make an attack with weapon against another vehicle, on hit scramble vehicle system of your choice.


Main Drive - Fusion Ion Drives (Ankiran) (Damaged)
FTL - Class 5 Hyperdrive (Ankiran)

Weapons & Armament

Projectile Cannon
Long-Range Laser Turret
Damaged Weapon System (Offline)
Damaged Weapon System (Offline)

Armor and defense

Class 5 Deflector Shields (Ankiran) (Damaged - Unstable)


Class 5 Sensors (Damaged)

Hangars & docked vessels

Shuttle - Small 5 passenger shuttle. Speed 3, usable for planetary landing and transportation between vessels.
Battle Stations: Piloting station

Rover - Small 3 passenger rover, speed 6, usable on planetary surfaces or within a station.
Condition: Incomplete, Disassembled
Battle Stations: Piloting Station, Front Passenger Station, Rear Passenger Station
Sword of Incalculable Agony
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
30 passengers, 150 crates (7,500 lbs)
You can state what cargo you are carrying or storing in the ship in the Comments section of this article.

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