Elemental Species in The universe | World Anvil
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Elementals are beings composed of a metaphysical element given physical form. Types of elementals include water, fire, air, earth, and the unlikely mirror elemental.

Basic Information


The shapes of elementals vary, but the most common form of elemental is the roughly humanoid, with and upright stance, some kind of arms, a semi-secluded head bearing two eyes. Some elementals have more humanoid features, such as legs and facial features, and some take entirely different forms.

Genetics and Reproduction

Elementals can be considered temporary existences, briefly summoned into the physical world. Due to this, they have no need for physical reproduction.

Ecology and Habitats

Elementals are embodied by a metaphysical concept. Due to this, some argue that their true habitat are so-called "elemental metaphysical planes". However, since no such planes have been proved to exist, they might as well not have any natural habitat.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Elementals in general do not need to sustain themselves.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Elementals are sometimes summoned to play the role of soldiers in various conflicts.

Average Intelligence

Elementals are driven by force of nature, and have little intelligence of their own.
Scientific Name

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