Dead Luggage Species in The universe | World Anvil
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Dead Luggage

Dead Luggages are a kind of Mimic afflicted by Undeath. Unlike their living kind, a Dead Luggage does not hunger for flesh, and is thus almost useless as a trap.

Basic Information


Dead Luggages share the anatomy of Mimics, but are restricted to those taking the form of travel trunks on the outside. Due to their undeath, their inner organs and flesh are inactive and stale, like those of a newly diseased.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Unlike both living mimics and certain other kinds of undead, a Dead Luggage does not eat nor hunger for flesh of the living.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Dead Luggages are sometimes deployed on the side of the enemy in conflicts, fooling them into believing they have gained the aid of a dangerous mimic, while in actuality only taking up space for their other troops to occupy.
Dead Luggage
Genetic Ancestor(s)

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