Skyr Ghradta Building / Landmark in The Universe | World Anvil
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Skyr Ghradta (skihr grahd-tuh)

The Skyr Ghradta was a multipurpose skyscraper and minor arcology in Pandora City, containing luxury residences, a hotel, office space, a school, restaurants, observation decks, and health facilities. During its time, it was the tallest building on Valenor, aside from the planet's three space elevators.


The original concept for the Skyr Ghradta was created by Walenzien Kesel, a Geliziquar architect, more than a century prior to its construction. Kesel originally envisioned the tower as a fully autonomous vertical city.
3342 CE (4143 EOC)
Founding Date
2969 CE (3770 EOC)
Alternative Names
Pandora Tower
Owning Organization

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