The Chasm of Apophis Geographic Location in The Unity | World Anvil
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The Chasm of Apophis


The Chasm of Apophis is a cold, dark, and lifeless place. Some scholars believe it leads to the center of the planet, while others believe it is the entrance to the Netherworld. No one would be able to find out, because the deeper one goes, the colder and darker it gets. The air is very foggy, so sailing into it would be suicide. The Chasm is ringed by seven islands, called The Seven Isles, which each have the bones of one of the Seven Great Beings: Man, Agarthans, Dwarves, Faeries, Dragons, Lions, and The White Stag. Legend states that The White Stag will rise and merge with Vernamir, God of Destruction, then plunge into the Chasm and release the Serpent from its' icy prison, and this catalyst will set in motion Eschaton, and hellfire will rage through the Land and Sea.

Fauna & Flora

The Seven Isles are completely lifeless, as is the sea in a 7 mile diameter.

Natural Resources

The only resources are stone, bone, and freezing water.
Above: The Serpent momentarily rising above the waves.
Alternative Name(s)
The Chasm of the Eternal Serpent, The Cavern of Jörmungandr, The Abode of the Leviathan
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