The Halved in The Undersea | World Anvil
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The Halved

"Eleutheria, where the sable star hangs in the heavens; where the shadows of men's thoughts lengthen in the afternoon; where the twin suns lived, and where One-Eyed War remains."   Where other gods radiate light, the Halved emanates only darkness. Once the twin god known as The King Who Wars, the Halved was driven mad by the death of Its sibling, The King Who Speaks. Now the deity of war, family, darkness and vengeance, the Halved broods in its Realm of darkness, plotting against the Universe which so cruelly took Its counterpart.   Only one legend prominently figures the Halved, and it is sometimes told as follows: in the Age of Conjunction, in a time eons before the first Nonmen walked the Surface, the Twin Gods were approached by a messenger. The messenger's petition swayed the King Who Speaks, but His brother rebuked him for considering such a proposition and dismissed the envoy without Correspondence or Ceremony. Shamed, the messenger swore vengeance on their kingdom and swept out of the throne room. In the wars that followed the King Who Speaks fell, and the grief, rage and retribution that followed could not be condoned by the other Judgements. Thus abandoned and halved, the Grieving God forswore its equals and their Laws, retreating into darkness and vowing to bring ruin to all they held dear.  

Other Names

The Grieving God
The Twin God / The King Who Wars
One-Eyed War (by dwarves)
Dû Gilaeth (by elves)
The Halved
Murmuring groves, scattered ruins, a midnight sky.

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