The Burrower Below in The Undersea | World Anvil
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The Burrower Below

"You dream of falling. It's a common dream, here. The fog is thick about you, and through it, below, you see something stir. A beast. A behemoth. Almost a dragon; almost a whale; almost a continent. It gnaws on the roots of heaven, its maw wide as the gulf between stars."   More of a primordial being than a god per se, the Great Wyrm has burrowed through the Universe for eons untold. One of the few entities that exists outside of the Great Chain, the Burrower Below is worshiped as the deity of oaths, time, and dragons. It is said that all the fogs encountered in the High Wilderness or Undersea are borne of her Her steaming breath, exhaled as the great creature passes by. She is also the mother of dragons, though who the father was remains a mystery. Surely creatures outside the Chain are not bound by its laws.. are they?   A roving god, the paths She carves between the Realms and through reality itself are sometimes used by audacious merchants and captains to lower their transportation costs. To exploit these tunnels without appropriate obeisance, however, is to risk annihilation. The Navigators, quasi-priests bearing tattoos of Her who act as guides and mediators aboard ships, are staunch adherents to the Word of the Wyrm. This code dictates how respectful travelers should conduct themselves when in the Burrower's passages, as well as describing the importance of keeping oaths. The honoring of promises made appears to be general theme with the Burrower Below, though why a giant intraplanar worm-dragon has need of such principles is beyond understanding.    

Other Names

The Shaper of Heavens
The Wyrm-Mother
The Leviathan (by dwarves)
Dhaerung (by elves)
"She tunneled the paths across the sky! Every transit is a trespass! We must give praise!"

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