Shotir in The Undersea | World Anvil
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He Who Stands Before the Gate

  "...and when the others forewent their vows and put down their arms, declaring the danger passed, He did not move. Still his hammer echoed, still his arm was strong, and when the Gods looked down upon Him they were pleased. Apotheosis! Risen on the Chain, brought up by the very Gods themselves!"   Shotir, the stories say, was once a mortal smith in a forgotten company of beings tasked with guarding a gate of unknown purpose. The deity of protection, duty, solitude and the forge, Shotir was raised to godhood and tasked to carry the burden his company could not: guarding the gate and preparing for the day it will open. The impetus and means of this ascension is little understood, but He remains the only known mortal to ascend to godhood.   Alone on His island, Shotir forges countless weapons in preparation for the Day of Awakening when the crumbling gate will spark to life. Unworthy weapons He forges are hurled over the edge into the Nothing below, but the select few of which pass inspection are thrust into the ground about the Last Anvil. There these blades also wait, shining beneath the High Wilderness. Consumed by this task, Shotir is often unwilling to speak directly to those who choose to venerate him. If a connection does occur, however, his followers may suddenly themselves standing upon the island as if THEY had been summoned. There, if the supplicant possess sufficient courage, they may attempt to interrupt His work to ask their questions.    

Other Names

The Forge God
He Who Stands Before the Gate
The Fire-Below-the-Mountain (by dwarves)
Gwahaedir (by elves)
An iron will: forged in commitment and quenched in eternity.

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