Rattus Faber Species in The Undersea | World Anvil
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Rattus Faber

Nobody knows where these blasted bipedal rats came from. Are they native to the Neath? Are they leftovers from one of the previous cities buried beneath the foundations of Fallen London? Were they brought into being by some spiteful mage? Whatever their origin rattus faber, more commonly referred to as "LBs" (Little Bastards), are now endemic to Fallen London and the Undersea. Highly intelligent, agile and resourceful, they make for extraordinarily irritating pests. And pests they are according to most Londoners, who have grown tired of having food stolen and belongings pilfered from their homes. It's not that they couldn't be accepted into society if they decided to shape up and behave themselves, it's that they show an absolute disregard for all law and order and refuse to conform. How contrarian.   Part of the problem stems from the social structure of rattus faber societies, which center strongly around family units led by a single charismatic rat individual. This appears to be a characteristic of rats in general, and can be seen in action about the city. Normal rats follow the rattus faber, and the rattus faber follow the strongest rat. The Mayor of Fallen London is decidedly not a rat, as it happens, which might explain why they normally don't give a rat f*ck about its laws.  


  Feral ones are seen as nothing more than wild creatures deserving of a swift stomp or three, and the Department of Menace Eradication does good trade in strings of rats and rattus faber alike. Civilized ones tend to be accepted without question though, especially if they are accompanied by a human or other person of a more respectable race. Rattus faber tend to be wary individuals and slow to make friends given others' general view of their species.     Race: LINK (Ratfolk)
50 years
Average Height
Average Weight
40 lbs

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