Leveling & Progression in The Undersea | World Anvil
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Leveling & Progression

Multiclassing Requirements

This article will go into some detail regarding multiclassing requirements, as well as provide some detail for why this is a thing in the first place. The thought behind this is that it will help facilitate the creation of unique blends of characters, as opposed to a cookie-cutter wizard, cleric or fighter. Whatever character is created will be unique to you. Although this system highly encourages (and often forces) multiclassing, this is offset by a wide variety of homebrew classes and subclasses that allow you to spice things up. Additionally, all multiclassing requirements are lowered by 1. Hooray!    

How it Works

Assuming you take your first three levels in a single class, things kick off when you hit level 4. Prior to applying the Ability Score Increase (ASI) you receive, examine the below list to see what "Tier" your primary class/subclass falls into. These are loosely organized by whether your class is a Full Caster, Half Caster, or Third Caster. If you've already multiclassed prior to hitting level 4, you won't need to visit this section as long as your secondary class is within two levels of your main class AND on a different tier.   If you are forced to multiclass based upon your roll (more on that in a moment), the class will need to be in a tier below the tier of your primary class unless you're Tier 0.  
  • Tier 3: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Artificer
  • Tier 2: Elementalist, Magus, Monk, Paladin, ranger, Runewright, Warden, Blood Hunter
  • Tier 1: Arcane Trickster, Crusader, Eldritch Knight, Path of the Rune Sage, Path of the Sylvan Warden, Zealous Inquisitor, Chef
  • Base Tier: Alchemist (class), Barbarian, Craftsman, Dervish, Fighter, Pugilist, Rogue, Scholar, Vigilante
  The second thing you'll need to look at will be the below chart, which will tell you the DC you need to beat to continue putting all of your levels in your primary class. You'll notice that the higher the class tier, the higher the DC. "SA" refers to your spellcasting ability, or your primary attack ability (Cleric=WIS, Barbarian=STR, Rogue=DEX, etc..).  
Levels 4-7 Levels 8-11 Levels 12-15 Levels 16-19
TIER 3 DC 37-SA DC 38-SA DC 39-SA DC 40-SA
TIER 2 DC 27-SA DC 29-SA DC 31-SA DC 33-MA
TIER 1 DC 23-SA DC 25-SA DC 29-SA DC 32-SA
  Onwards to the roll. At this point you can go ahead and roll a d20 in the Roll20 chat, adding the modifier of your spellcasting ability or primary attack ability (Cleric=WIS, Barbarian=STR, etc...). Take that number and compare it to the DC in the chart above, then take a look at the possible results below.   PASS: If your roll is equal to or greater than the DC on the chart, you can do whatever you want for your next four levels! Be creative, or not. Your choice.   WITHIN 4: Three out of the next four levels can be in your primary class, if you wish. The fourth must be in in a different class than your primary, and in a lower Tier. The order of these levels is entirely up to you!   WITHIN 12: Two out of the next four levels can be in your main class, if you wish. The other two must be in in a different class than your primary, and in a lower Tier. The order of these levels is entirely up to you!   OTHERWISE: One out of the next four levels can be in your main class, if you wish. The other three must be in a different class than your primary, and in a lower Tier. The order of these levels is entirely up to you!   The final two notes are that if you need to multiclass but do not qualify for any other class requirements, you will need to use your ASI to let you do so. Otherwise feel free to apply the ASI or grab a feat as you see fit! If you want to put levels into all different classes, then substitute "same Tiered class" for where it says "primary class" in the roll results above. I look forward to seeing what fascinating combinations you concoct, and if you have any questions please let me know!

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