Astraeus Character in The Unbound Rift | World Anvil
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"Blessed are the sheep and the shepherd, for both learn compassion from the other. Blessed are the good whose small deeds are the most impactful. Blessed are those who walk without shoes and those who walk in lavish gardens. Blessed is all life for life is a reflection of the light of creation." -Songs 2, verse 2-5, The Light of Dawn
  God of light, love, and happiness and shepherd of all people, Astraeus stands as the pinnacle force of good and light in the world. In scripture, Astraeus is noted as the first being to exist in all of existence. It was he that brought the first light from the darkness and shed light upon the world. He is perhaps the most worshiped god of all, and his worship can be found throughout the world in various fashions. Being the god of light, he is attributed to the Sun and praised for the sunrise.

Divine Domains

Astraeus is the god of light and goodness. He helps to inspire others to do kind and noble deeds. His scripture is full of quotes on how to treat others fairly along with numerous parables about the folly of excessive violence or greed. His faithful call upon the strength of the Sun in their rituals and prayers, often to heal the wounded or sick. Astraeus, chiefly, is the God of Life itself. He is the god of the spark that exists within every being. That same spark that allows each individual to live in the light of all creation. His most devout perform miracles to heal the blind or prevent an epidemic, as well as protect those whom are close to them.

Holy Books & Codes

The Astraeun holy text is The Light of Dawn. It is a collection of various books written by theologians, priest, saints, and crusaders alike. Throughout its pages, it tells various stories of the lives of the sainted, parables concerning the treatment of others, and many songs and verses uplifting the power of solidarity, community, and loyalty. His faithful often swear off any worldly possessions and give all that they might have or gain over to those less fortunate. Other devotees act in a role of community leaders and help to foster greater bonds within their towns and cities. One of the most sacred codes in the Light of Dawn is referred to as the Golden Rule, "Treat your neighbor how you would like to be treated". To the Astraeun faithful, this is a tenet above all others. Kindness begets kindness just as much as violence begets violence.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Astraeus that is used most often is an equal armed cross inside the silhouette of the sun. This symbol is marked on doorways to signify the person inside is a faithful of Astraeus. Other icons have been associated with the God of Life such as doves, white robes, the shepherd's crook, and wreaths of holly. Various symbols and rituals are used in churches throughout the land, and all are said to be equal in nature. The church of Astraeus is one of the few that can claim that their members stand united in dogma and belief. Pictured below is an artists rendition of the "host of seraphs" that was envisioned by Saint August, a patron saint in Astraeun worship.

Tenets of Faith

Tenets of the Astraeun faith are carned with how the faithful are to treat others. Within the Light of Dawn, several metaphors, stories, and parables point towards the common treatment of all life, and that all life is sacred. To Astraeus, the rich and the poor are the same and there is always the chance for redemption. Forgiveness is a large part of the faith and devotees are urged to love your enemy as your friend.


  Also know as the Day of Sun, is the celebration of the longest day of the year or Summer solstice. On this day, communities come together to offer food, drink, and clothing to one another with a focus on giving to the less fortunate. Communities hold enormous festivals to honor the passage of the Sun and of life itself. This is often the largest festival of the year outside o those themed around the harvest.
  The fist day of spring, also called Sprinringa, is the celebration of the beginning of the planting season and when the world starts to warm after winter. It is celebrated by families coming together in the temple to introduce new members of the community and help those who have had a rough winter. Agricultural communities use this day to start planting the seeds that will eventually become the autumn harvests.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Astraeus would see that the world exists in an everlasting peace. That wars no longer become necessary and conflict is solved through peaceful means. To this end, he and his faithful foster camaraderie among the people of their lands and brotherhood among all man-kind. His faithful are often mistaken for weak by the other, more aggressive faiths, but even among the Astraeun faithful there are those who would raise arms to protect their loved ones. "A Shepherd must watch his flock, and at times, defend it from wolves"

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