Aereus Character in The Unbound Rift | World Anvil
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The First to Forge

Aereus, the First to Forge, God of Strength, the Patron of Industry is wildly loved and worshiped, particularly in the cohorts of Mul'Domar and others. He is the God who blesses those who work hard on their crafts, who hone their skills to perfection, and who live honestly. The God of Forges foregoes high morality to teach his faithful that life isn't about courts and justice, but about living to the fullest one can. His faithful are stereo typically rowdy, often imbibing until beyond drunk before picking friendly fights with their rivals. Aereus does caution though. Thieves and liars will not be tolerated. Only the honest and sure will be followers of the God of Strength. Only those seeking to better themselves through hard work, practice, and effort will know the face of this mighty God.  

Divine Domains

  He is the God of the Forge, of competition, and of artisans. By his hand does the anvil strike. His symbols can be found in passing at most places that make good, particularly metal works and crafting. He is the God of builders, warriors, athletes, and smiths alike. To Aereus, there is no art that isn't worth making, no craft that isn't worth creating, and no achievement to small.  
Aereus is a god that does not believe in idle hands. If one is to achieve anything, then one must work hard and play fair. Ill gotten gains are very frowned upon by many people, but particularly those close to Aereus. As the god of contests, his name is always invoked before any brawl, race, or contest of skill to ensure the fairness and just winnings of the contest. His priest are often artisans, forgers, and athletes. They understand business and are called upon to bless any place in which goods are made or sold.  

Holy Books & Codes

Aereus does not have a widely accepted holy scripture. However, a new group of faithful, called the Sacred Forge, has developed a small text of writing based upon his tenets. In the book, named The Hammer of God, Aereus' general edicts and philosophy are recorded. The Sacred Forge has grown in popularity, particularly in Mul'Domar. In this book the writer not only attributes the normal domains to the God of Forges, but also claims Aereus has domain over industry and trade.  

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Aereus' symbol has always been that of a hammer striking an anvil. It can be depicted in many different ways, but always has the same basic idea. A faithful of Aereus would tell you that the symbol means nothing. That Aereus' true symbol is that of action, crafting, and competition.  

Tenets of Faith

Do Not Cheat, even when cheated. Do Not Steal, Even When Stolen From. Do All That May Become A Man, Dare Any Man To Do More
The idea of the faithful of Aereus is that one should never lie, cheat, or steal to get ahead in the world. Thieves are despised in the religion, as are liars and those who depend upon the work of others to make a living. Aereus espouses that something gained from other's toil is worth less that slag from the richest forges. That bread stolen from the hands of those who make it is molded and rotten. Other than these simple tenets and a few others concerning fairness in competition, pride, and glory, Aereus asserts that one should live their lives to the fullest. A life spent only doing the bare minimum is worth less than rotten meat.  


Kiln's Day   Kiln's Day is a special occasion for the Aereusan faithful. It is a day taken aside to bless new forges, new crafts, homes, and anything built within the last year. It is tradition for a artisan to make something of their craft, and offer it in the fires of a forge to garner Aereus' favor. This is also a day where crafters and artisans offer their wares that they have made special for this day to the public.   Speilagan   Speilagan gained popularity in southern Anatole within the last 100 years. It is a week set aside in the year specifically for tournament skill and competitions. Cities who host such events become flooded with would be champions, athletes, and warriors ready to prove themselves to cheering crowds.  

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Aereus simply wishes to see mortals create, work, and exceed their own expectations. While he does not despise war, he does despise bloodshed for the sake of bloodshed or the taking of life for no good reason.

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