The Factions in The Third Horizon | World Anvil
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The Factions

When the Zenithians founded Coriolis, they sent word to all major powers in the Third Horizon to come to the space station and set up a council for peace and trade. The invitees became known as factions, and the Council a force for peace RULES SECTION 12 and commerce, albeit that some conflicts remained unsolved. The council factions of today are the Consortium, a group of powerful corporations; the Zenithian Hegemony, the descendents of the captain family onboard Zenith; the Free League, the union of free traders; the mercenaries of the Legion; the secretive Draconites; the divine iconocrates of the Order of the Pariah; Ahlam’s Temple, with its courtesans and philosophers; and lastly the people’s church, the Church of the Icons. Two additional groups are regarded as factions although they are not represented at the Council; the criminal network the Syndicate, and the nomads in the Nomad Federation. Tradition divides the council into Zenithian (the first four factions mentioned above) and Firstcome factions (the four latter). The Syndicate is usually considered Zenithian and the Nomad Federation First-come.

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