New Conflicts in The Third Horizon | World Anvil
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New Conflicts

Today, new conflicts are flaring up, and old ones are emerging again in the Horizon. The intrigues surrounding the factions thickens, and matters usually settled with a signature or a handshake are now taken to the battlefield. Firstcome revolts against the Zenithian factions, particularly the Consortium, are erupting everywhere. The factions fight each other in proxy wars, through rebel forces, mercenaries, corsairs and toll ships. In the midst of all this chaos, a new phenomena has come to light in the Horizon – people are suddenly showing signs of powers said reserved for the Icons themselves. They can tell the future, see things worlds away and even conjure up fire from empty air. These new mystics are a dangerous element to the rest of the population, as they are not yet in full control of their powers.

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