Session 1: It All Begins Report in The Sunken Realms | World Anvil
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Session 1: It All Begins

Oct. 5th, 2020 5:30pm-9pm EST (3½ hrs)

General Summary

Brought together by letters from a man of both fame and infamy, Lodun Ó Scolaidhe, the party was instructed to meet at the tavern, The Strange Hare in the town of Siarhaven. Though some of the party members are unaware of who this man is, his promises of lucrative pay are a lure all their own.

Four minutes in, Emyr has enabled PvP.

After some odd, awkward interactions in the tavern, the group was summoned by a small humanoid woman, who lead them to a covered carriage outside. Emyr, the half-elf, opted to sit with this woman, the driver, up front with the horses. Ghozun "The Green Ox", took to sitting at the back of the carriage, in the rain but with noticeably more space than the remaining party members had inside. Along the road, they notice an overturned carriage, and their escort stopped the cart in front of it. Before they could dismount and investigate, the overturned carriage exploded, destroying the party's carriage and flinging their escort. She was rendered unconscious as they dealt with the ten bandits, including a captain, that ambushed them. During the fight, their final party member, a High Elf, emerged from the woods to aid them. After a lot of screaming and shooting, the ambush party was eliminated, though at the cost of one entire longbow and another's bowstring. There were no bandit survivors. The Hobgolin looted a pistol and ten rounds off of the captain, while the High-Elf and Half-Elf obtained a crossbow each and twenty bolts between them. The Dwarf-Orc looted 85 gold off of the corpses. While the others looted, Ghozun aided their escort in drinking their healing potion. From there, they made the rest of the trek on foot.

Upon reaching their destination, they discovered that the outer courtyard of the mansion had been reduced to rubble. Bodies litter the ground, a combination of students, servants, and more bandits, but Master Lodun is nowhere to be found. They happen upon Thimbald, the mentor's personal butler and head of staff. He has not located the master amidst the chaos, but he did pass on his last known location, as well as a sealed message to the party, detailing the mission they were summoned for. The High Elf met with a pair of druid twins tending to the wounded, but otherwise they seemed not to of met anyone of note. Investigating the rear garden, the tiefling discovered remnants of a magical battle, though the source of some of the residue cannot quite be placed. All he could uncover for sure was that his Master had studied such magics previously.

Further investigations by the tiefling-orc brothers lead them to a hole blown in through a stone wall with tracks coming out of it. After casting Pass Without A Trace, they made their way inside. However, they did not check for traps, leading them to set one off and temporarily entomb the more orcish of the two. Thankfully, he managed to free himself while some of the other party members attempted to free him from the top. Once the party reunited, Thumbald joined them to explain that he cannot find the Master. They take this time to open the letter from Lodun, which includes a private message for Duul, instructions, and a map. Duul opted to read his portion later in privacy, while the others studied the information for the task at hand and set up a game plan.

Post-Session RP

Following the discoveries made earlier, the group decided to take some downtime in the relative safety of the estate, setting up a makeshift camp within the mansion. Duul, having experience living on the grounds, snuck away to swipe some wine from the cellar before returning to his companions with it, offering his brother, Ghozun, tea instead, as he does not drink. With introductions going around, the party began acquainting themselves with each other, taking time to relax as they discussed how they each came to be in possession of one of Lodun's invitations. Quickly, it became obvious just how different everyone's views on family and familiar relations are, a fact that already seemed to be causing a degree of tension amongst the party members, though it is a topic none seemed keen to dwell on. While relaxing and making adjustments and repairs to their gear and spirits, the sextet share a toast. A notable portion of the conversation lingered on the brothers' existence as Tieflings, as none of the rest of the party had personal dealings with their race before.
Report Date
29 Sep 2020

Going Forward

From a mechanical standpoint, commands and kinks with D&DBeyond's Avrae bot will need to be worked out and posted for ease of access. Additionally, the exact contents of the letters, including the attached map, will be displayed for public and, in the case of Duul's personal message, private reference. Stay tuned for updated articles on Lodun Ó Scolaidhe, Apprentice Avrainn Coppermender, Siarhaven, and Lodun's Apprentices. Any changes to players' gear and equipment need to be brought up with the DM (including replacements for the broken bows) in order for them to take effect. As a friendly reminder, please make use of the Feedback channel if you have any questions, comments, concerns, compliments, requests, or suggestions!

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