Mentor of the Meek in The Strange Spicy Strangers | World Anvil
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Mentor of the Meek

step-twins, different chars, father and uncle takingg care of twins, each educate separate, party guy versus. parent trap. plotus's menaechmi   Mentor of the Meek is a play which recently toured Doskvol. The story is about two step-twins who are separated at a young age and raised apart from each other. One twin, raised by their father, enjoys the parties and pleasure that comes with high nobility. The other, raised by their uncle, is not like that at all. Their lives suddenly become switched and shenanigans ensue. The story is very similar to the ancient fabled texts, Plautus's Menaechmi and Disney's The Parent Trap.   The play is a recent favorite of Hix Holtz.  
"Best play I've seen since the Olsenson Twins."
"I went in not knowing how a step-twin was possible. I walked out knowing so much more..."

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