YT-34 Thunderbird Vehicle in The Stars of Pangard | World Anvil
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YT-34 Thunderbird

A heavy fighter-patrol aero-spacecraft, the Thunderbird is the mainstay of Rangers of Wing 29. With some modifications and added boosters, the Thunderbird is capable of reaching orbit, and has rocket thrusters for vacuum maneuvering. Once in orbit the Thunderbird can dock with an external Goldstein drive, allowing for limited interplanetary travel with re-fueling.   It can carry 2 pilots and 2 passengers, as well as having additional cargo space for equipment (even an SRV if one’s willing to get really packed in). Max velocity of Mach 1.45 at sea-level, super-maneuverable, with a g-limit of +9/-4, and with the best avionics of the previous generation, it was the best long range enforcement vessel in the solar system 40 years before Raven’s mission began.   Due to it being outdated on Earth, it was able to be acquired by the colonists in large quantities for relatively low cost. It still holds up however, and with the potential to be upgraded with Pangard tech, it could one day hold its own against the hyper advanced alien fighters it will face in combat.


The Thunderbird has 2 hybrid scramjet-rocket engines for atmospheric and trans-orbital flight. The rear docking port between its engines can be used to attach with a small Mark II Goldstein Drive interplanetary flight.   Depending on payload size, the Thunderbird may need additional boosters to get into orbit, and may need to re-fuel in orbit before transitioning to its target location. For particularly heavy payloads, the Thunderbird may even launch vertically attacked to an external fuel tank and solid rocket boosters (similar to the Space Shuttle of old).   For maneuvering in a vacuum, the Thunderbird has several RCS thrusters installed across its airframe.

Weapons & Armament

The lumbering beast is surprisingly agile in atmosphere due to its vectored-thrust and advanced control surfaces, serving as a heavy fighter-interceptor. While it is capable of vacuum flight and maneuvering, the Thunderbird is not optimized for space combat, having only limited RCS control, and a very high thermal signature from its engines & attached Goldstein Drive. It is therefore primarily used as a patrol-transport in space, keeping its combat abilities close to the ground.   The Thunderbird has 8 hardpoints for carrying ordinance, as well as a nose mounted coilgun-cannon, and can also fit additional weapons in its payload bay if need be.

Armor and defense

The Airframe is made of advanced thermally-resistant composite materials for re-entry. These insulating materials have the added benefit of somewhat reducing the craft's thermal signature and radar cross section.   Directly beneath the airframe are several layers of polyethylene and metal-composite foils for radiation shielding. Even this advanced shielding is little use against the intense cosmic rays found in deep space. To mitigate this issue, the detachable Goldstein drive uses residual power to generate a powerful magnetic field, enveloping the Thunderbird when in interplanetary flight. This active shielding technology keeps the ship and its crew safe from all but the most powerful ionizing radiation.

Communication Tools & Systems

Designed for deep space patrols, the Thunderbird has an advanced communications system, allowing for communication over orbital scales on its own, and over solar system scales using satellite networks.   The Thunderbird's radar also possesses advanced uplink systems, allowing one vehicle to share information and targeting data with dozens of surrounding craft. When combined with AWACs, several Thunderbirds can form a massive radar net capable of scanning vast areas of space.


The YT-34 Thunderbird possesses a full avionics suite, including Advanced Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar, Electronic Warfare Systems, Electro-Optical targeting and more.

Additional & auxiliary systems

The habitable areas of the Thunderbird are split between the cockpit, the living area, and (when pressurized) the payload bay. In the cockpit, the Pilot and WSO are seated in tandem, with a small crawl space allowing for access to the rear living area. There are two other seats in the living area - by ISSA regulation, all 4 are high-speed high-altitude ejector seats, and no leather seats are allowed, non-combustible fabric only (though it is reported the fabric is quite comfy). In the living area, there is space for 4 hammocks to be hung, as well as additional storage for scientific equipment, supplies, food, a toilet, and what can generously be called a shower.   Space is cramped, and more than a few potential Rangers quit rather than spend weeks or even months in such a cluttered work environment. But those who do fly the Thunderbirds usually report a great deal of camaraderie from sharing every square inch of their lives with 3 other people.   A small microwave oven, powered by the Radar Array, can be found near the cockpit.

Hangars & docked vessels

The Payload Bay is 19 cubic meters in volume, and its doors open on the underside of the craft. An SRV can just barely be fit into here, allowing for the Thunderbird to perform quick deployment of these vehicles onto a planetary surface, what Ranger's refer to as a "Buggy Drop." Other common payloads include deployable satellites, usually for communications/monitoring or scientific purposes.   At the rear of the payload bay is the rear docking port, nestled in-between the Thunderbirds twin engines. This port can be used as an ambilocal for transport between docked vehicles, such as a space station.
Owning Organization
5-15 per Squadron
Related Technologies
17.5 meters
28 meters
7 meters
44,000 kg max takeoff weight
Mach 1.45 (sea level), Orbital Velocities (SSTO flight), 0.8 g acceleration (space)
Complement / Crew
1 Pilot, 1 WSO
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
2 passengers, pressurized 19 m^3 cargo hold

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