Verne Geographic Location in The Stars of Pangard | World Anvil
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Verne is Crow’s large moon - possessing a thin atmosphere, Verne never-the-less has a very high rotational velocity. This causes its little atmosphere to collect and “pinch off” near the equator, where the air is thick enough to support life.   Still, life on the desert world of Verne is sparse, consisting mostly of loose vegetation collected around isolated bodies of water.   Despite the lack of atmosphere and only small amounts of surface water, Verne’s geology is filled with canyons, dry river and lake beds, salt flats, and other features typical of former oceans and rivers.   In this, Verne is much like Mars back in the Sol system, though much younger, and still possessing some of its thick atmosphere and surface water. In the far future however, Verne will become, much like Mars, a dead, dry, rock.   Perhaps the ancient presence of oceans and lakes explains the recent archeological finds on the moon - apparently, an old alien ruin exists on the surface, though the purpose of it has yet to be determined.


A mineral rich moon, the Pangard mined it occasionally, though never creating a permanent settlement. A few small fragments of the High Temple were discovered littered about the surface in ages past, though it was believed all had been found.    This turned out not to be the case however. When humans first arrived in the system, a surveying team was sent to the moon to determine potential use for mining and habitation. This team discovered a very large alien artefact, later confirmed to be another fragment of the High Temple. How the Pangard managed to miss such a find for thousands of years remains a mystery, one that it is hoped a newly established joint investigation team might uncover...
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