Ryloth Geographic Location in The Star Wars Galaxy | World Anvil
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Ryloth is a planet in the Ryloth system of the Outer Rim Territories, and the homeworld of the Twi'lek species. Its terrain varies, filled with jungles, mesas, valleys, and volcanoes, and has an atmosphere breathable for Twi'leks and humans alike. A forest covers its equator, filled with dangerous predators. Given the varied and dangerous terrain, Twi'leks live in caves underground where it is safer.  


  Ryloth is a hot, humid world and a hot bed of life. Its surface includes regions of desert such as the Jixuan desert, rocky dustbowls, patches of dense jungle big enough to be visible from orbit, and mesas. A portion of the planet some distance from the Jixuan desert acts as breeding grounds for the gutkurr species.  

Early history

  Ryloth was an important world due to the fact that it was the homeworld of the influential Twi'lek species. For centuries, the planet and its people were exploited by the Hutts and their criminal enterprises as the world served as a key world for the spice trade where slave labor was used to produce goods.

Clone Wars

  Sometime after the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the Separatist Alliance led a planetary-wide invasion of Ryloth under the command of Techno Union Emir Wat Tambor, establishing a blockade in space around the planet commanded by Neimoidian Captain Mar Tuuk of the Separatist fleet. However, a Republic fleet under Admiral Dao of the Republic Navy had attempted to provide support and protection for Jedi General Ima-Gun Di and the clone troopers of the Outer Rim garrison, which had been backed by a group of Twi'lek freedom fighters led by General Cham Syndulla. Despite the attempts to defeat the Separatist fleet, the Republic Venator-class Star Destroyers' fuel, power, and ammunition began to diminish but had held out long enough for Dao to contact the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to send relief supplies to the suffering inhabitants and dwindling clone troopers, and while speaking with the Jedi Order, the ship's deflector shields were subsequently disabled, resulting in the fleet's obliteration.     Trapped within the walls of a mountain range, the remaining clones of the garrison made a final stand along a passageway so that the Twi'lek freedom fighters could escape with their families. However, the entire Outer Rim garrison had been destroyed, resulting in the deaths of both General Di and Clone Captain Keeli, but not before blockade runners of the Republic secretly bypassed the Separatist blockade and delivered relief supplies after a lengthy debate on Toydaria between Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan, Representative Binks of Naboo and Senator Lott Dod of the Trade Federation.   Around 21 BBY, Republic forces were defeated by the Separatists.  

Imperial protectorate

  After the end of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY, Ryloth has officially become a protectorate of the Galactic Empire. While classed as free and independent, its title does not reflect reality. Many isolated settlements did not even know of the Empire's existence until they were raided and their populations forced into slave labor. As consequence, the former Free Ryloth movement initially formed to fight the Separatists during the Clone Wars has instigated a new rebellion against the Empire.   Now the planet is overseen by Moff Delian Mors who lives on a moon orbiting the planet. Mors is tasked with crushing Syndulla's Free Ryloth rebellion but has failed to take down the guerilla fighters.

Astrographical information

Region:   Outer Rim Territories   Sector:   Gaulus sector   System:  Ryloth system   Moons:    At least 3   Grid coordinates: R-17   Trade routes:  Corellian Run, Mumble's Turnaround    

Physical information

  Atmosphere: Breathable   Climate: Hot, humid   Primary terrain: Dense jungles, Mesas, Valleys, Volcanoes   Points of interest: Bypass Notch, Jixuan desert, Ryloth's northern continent, Tann Province, Tulara Ravine   Flora: Conifer, Whiptree   Fauna: Blurrg, Can-cell, Gutkurr, Lylek, Primates  

Societal information

  Native species: Twi'lek   Immigrated Species: Human   Primary language(s): Twi'leki   Government: Ryloth government   Demonym: Rylothian   Major cities: Kala'uun, Lessu (capital), Nabat, Rhovari   Major exports: Ryll, Slaves, Spice   Affiliation: Galactic Empire (as Protectorate)

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