Imperial Tie Fighter Pilot Military Formation in The Star Wars Galaxy | World Anvil
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Imperial Tie Fighter Pilot

TIE fighter pilots, also known as TIE pilots, or Imperial Starfighter Pilots, are an elite class within the military of the Galactic Empire. They pilot the TIE line series of starfighters, a line that includes the TIE/ln space superiority starfighter, which is one of the Empire's most recognizable symbols of power, the TIE/sa bomber and TIE/IN interceptor. There are two nicknames for TIE pilots: the vac-heads, who operate in space for the Empire's Imperial Navy, and the ground-hogs, who operate in planetary atmosphere for the Imperial Army. Because the vac-heads have better public recognition through propaganda posters and the HoloNet News reports, the ground-hogs are often resentful of them. The rivalry between ground-hogs and vac-heads is so intense that most Imperial flight bases have separate bars for the two groups, with the notable exception of the Bright Jewel Oversector Flight Base.   The precision and streamlined design of the TIE fighter is a source of pride for those pilots, who pride themselves for usually not needing deflector shields or hyperdrives, which they view as tools for the cowardly. Since TIE fighters are identical and interchangeable, TIE pilots might never fly the same ship twice and, as a result, rarely develop emotional ties to their craft. Nonetheless, they tend to be very protective of their vessel of the day, and love to push around lower-ranked stormtroopers. Very dedicated, TIE pilots are willing to surrender their lives for the greater glory of the Empire's New Order.



Blaster Pistol


Tie/LN Starfighter
Statistics:   Brawn: 2   Cunning: 2   Presence: 2   Intellect: 2   Willpower: 2   Soak: 3   Wound Threshold: 5   Strain Threshold: ___
Air Force

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