Imperial Stormtrooper Military Formation in The Star Wars Galaxy | World Anvil
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Imperial Stormtrooper

Stormtroopers serve as a constant reminder of Imperial might and, to many sentients, they are the visible symbol of the Empire. Stormtroopers are not part of the Imperial Army but are a separate corps of dedicated shock troops. With high-quality equipment and an absolute disregard for anything other than achieving their objectives, stormtroopers are implacable foes on the battlefield and perform missions regular Army troops would be unable or unwilling to accomplish.   There are a number of common specialized stormtrooper units that see deployment into unique and hostile environments. These include sandtroopers (for desert environments), snowtroopers (for extreme sub-zero temperature environments), and scout troopers (for long range reconnaissance with specialized repulsorlift training).   Other, significantly less common variants such as the rad-zone stormtrooper (trained in operating within highly toxic or radioactive environments) exist as well, but are typically organized into self-contained units that are specially deployed depending upon the situation.
Stats   Brawn: 3   Agility: 3   Intellect: 2   Cunning: 2   Willpower: 3   Presence: 1

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