Rock hoppers Vehicle in The Sol System | World Anvil
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Rock hoppers

Professionally known as Prospecting ships, Rock Hoppers are used to mine ice, minerals and metals from asteroids for commercial purposes. The ships that prospect and mine asteroids are varied and run the gamut from well-equipped corporate survey ships to barely functional rock hoppers. Larger ships have internal ore bays while smaller ships tow ore loads in mining nets.  


The most common type of Rockhopper is the Schmitt-type. Named after Harrison Schmitt, the first professional scientist to leave low Earth orbit and to visit the moon, this ship is designed for maneuvering in close proximity to asteroids to take the necessary tests and even perform small-scale mining operations. It is small and agile, while still being large enough to carry a crew along with a large quantity of scientific instrumentation. It is also capable of capturing and hauling smaller asteroids. Although popular among independent operators, this ship is often used by The United Nations and The Martian Congressional Republic.

Blue Collar Shuttle

  Despite having maneuvering thrusters, the Schmitt-type doesn’t have the necessary equipment, navigation, or protection to enter the atmosphere—however, all of these ships are specialized in being able to duck and weave near massive asteroids to get to particular chunks of ice or rocks or attach scientific equipment where needed. These ships also have higher sensor ratings that most ships of their size and class.   Many Belt-built rockhoppers aren’t equipped with an Epstein drive and must hitch a ride on a larger ship or use maneuvering thrusters to reach their destination. However, the Schmitt-type is Epstein drive-equipped, which gives it greater versatility than most rockhoppers. The crew quarters are tight, requiring the crew to hot bunk (share a bed) or to sleep on the crash couches. The exterior of this ship is designed for modular attachments based on the mission.   This equipment can be customized based on the type of job the crew is on—welding equipment for repairs or maintenance, cutting or mining tools, or a myriad of other options that involve the hard work of Belters, freelancers, or pirates.

Power Generation

Fusion drive


Non-epstein fusion drive and maneuvering thrusters

Weapons & Armament

2x fore-mounted grapplers

Armor and defense

While most prospecting ships are unarmed, Belters have developed a tactic to defend themselves using their cargo. After re-orienting the ship and cargo as they would to decelerate, the ship instead disengages their mining net allowing the asteroid rubble in the net to continue on to strike their target. (See diagram on right)

Communication Tools & Systems

Wide and Narrow band communication antenna


RADAR, Radio receptor, optical telescopes

Additional & auxiliary systems

Agile, Maneuverable
Top 3 pictures: Maneuvering with an ore load
Bottom 3 pictures: Defensive tactics used when securing cargo
Prospecting ship
Complement / Crew
2 (4)

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